The theme: King Lear

Предмет: Технология
Категория материала: Рабочие программы

The theme: King Lear

The aim:To understand different levels of decision making, their advantages  

                   and their disadvantages

The tutor: Kassenova Gulnur Kenenovna

Abdurasul in the role of King

Murat in the role of Albany

Temirlan in the role of  Edgar

Assel in the role of  Regan

Arai in the role of  Cordelia

Zhanbolat in the role of  Gloucester

Maksat in the role of  Edmund

Yerassyl in the role of  Cornwall

 Abdikadyr  in the role of  King of France

Zhanerkein the role of  Servant

Madina in the role of  Goneril  



King Lear:Josephine Goneril: Chloe Chu Regan: Lori Cordelia: Erin
Gloucester: Adriana Edgar: Angel Edmund: Jennifer Albany: Stephanie Cornwall: Tracy King of France: Adriana Servant: Erin, Angel, Adriana
ActⅠ, Scene 1
(In a small tent)
(Cordelia lay over a table; King Lear was sitting next to she; servant, Edgar and Albany were standing next to King Lear)
Lear:(breathing) here…(getting out a piece of parchment from his clothes, pass it over to Edgar and Albany)
Albany: (confusing, look at the paper) My King?What’s that?
(Edgar took the paper and spread it on the floor)
Edgar: (surprised) Oh, my lord…
Lear:(sadly) I will never forget this nightmare…(shake his head slowly)(Frame turn to the map)
ActⅡ, Scene 1
(In the hall of King Lear castle)
(Enter Goneril, Regan, Cordelia, Cornwall, Albany and King of France; King Lear stood in front of a table, there’s a map on it)
Lear: I do not want to rule my kingdom anymore. (Looked at the map) I have separated my kingdom into three parts. (Turned to his three daughters) I will give the best part of my kingdom to the daughter who loves me most. Goneril, you are the eldest, speak first.
Goneril:(Confident) Sir, I love you as much as I love my life, my health, my beauty and my honour. I cannot put into words how much I love you. (Smile to King)
(Cordelia looked at Goneril and took a big breath)
Lear:(joyful) I will give all the land between (pointing at the map) these two lines on the map to you, your husband Albany and your children.
(Regan despised Goneril)
(Turned to Regan) How about you, our dearest Regan?
Regan:My lord, I love you as much as my sister, but she has not said enough.
(Dignified) Nothing pleases me except my love for you. My only happiness comes from my love for you.
Lear: (Pleased) Great, you can get a third of my kingdom!
(Regan smiled and nodded her head)
Lear: (Turn to Cordelia) Now, shall I give you the richest part of my kingdom? Shall I give you more than I gave your sister? Cordelia, speak!
Cordelia: (Big breath) I can say nothing, my lord.
(Everyone turns to she)
Lear: (Surprised) Nothing?
Cordelia: (Resolute) Nothing.
Lear: (Friendly) Nothing will bring you nothing. Speak again.
Cordelia: (Shake head) I cannot put my feeling into words. You gave me life, loved me. So of course I love you. But I am not same as my sister. When I marry, I will give my husband half my love. (Nodded head) I am saying the truth, my lord.
Lear:(shaking with anger) Truth? Right, from now on, I will not be your father anymore.
King of France: What a shock! How come you treat your favourite daughter in this way?
Cordelia:(Softly) Because I do not have a tongue like my sister, but I am glad with that.
Lear:(Loudly) Go away! You have not pleased me, why were you ever born!
(Goneril and Regan smile wickedly)
King of France: (Hold Cordelia’s hand) You may come with me, my dearest. I will efface your loneliness and sadness.
Cordelia: (Turned to her sister) I know what you are doing. Take care of our father.
Regan: (Gaze at Cordelia rudely, with a wicked smile) Don’t tell us the duty!
Cordelia: You are clever and you hide your faults. In time, people will see the truth.
(Exit with King of France)
Lear:(Clam, turned to Goneril and Regan) For you two, I will stay with each of you for one month.
Goneril:(Proud, squint at Regan) Sir, I suppose you will stay with me first, right?
Lear:(nodded head) Sure.
ActⅡ, Scene 2
(In the Earl of Gloucester castle)
(Edmund sits on a bench; holding a letter, enter Gloucester)
Gloucester: (Hands back) Edmund, why are you sitting alone? (Look at the letter) What’s that?
Edmund: Well, someone passed it in through my window. (Gloucester took it slowly and looked) Edgar believes that it is wrong for sons to wait until their fathers die of old age. I just want to enlighten him.
Gloucester:Come on, Edmund. (Pull Edmund up) Find him. Make him trust you and tell you what he intends to do.
Edmund: Yes, my lord.
(Exit Edmund)
ActⅡ, Scene 3
(In the Earl of Gloucester castle)
(Edmund’s room, Edmund drank alcohol; enter Edgar)
Edgar: (Happily) Hey, you are here. I just want to …
Edmund: (Bad mood, interrupted) Our father is angry with you now.
Edgar:(Amaze) What? (Nodded head) There’s an evil person has spoken against me.
Edmund: (worried) He has ordered me to make you a prisoner. Take out your sword; pretend to defend yourself.
(Edmund and Edgar pull out their sword, pretend to fight)
(Footstep sounds)
Edgar: (scare) Oh! Our father is coming!
Edmund:(nervous) You don’t have other choice, escape! Run away!
(Edgar ran out, enter Gloucester)
Edmund:(unbearable) Sir, I tried to make him give up his plot against you but I failed. (Throw out his sword) I know I am a poor bastard, no one will believe me.
Gloucester: Devil! (Comfort him; hold his shoulders) You are my good son. You will have all my land when I die. I will order all my knights to look for him.
(Exit Gloucester)
Edmund: (Smile wickedly, shake head) Gloucester, you already control by me.
ActⅢ, Scene 1
(Goneril house)
(Goneril quarrel with Lear)
Goneril: (Loudly) Listen, sir! Your knights are always quarrelling; my house is in disorder. I won’t accept that!
Lear: (looking angry) You mean it?
Goneril: (wicked laugh) Such a silly question! (Shout angrily) Be sensible! You are old! You should be wise, why do you need to keep 100 knights? (Softly) I beg you, send them away.
Lear: (Fury; push Goneril back) Darkness and devils! I make a mistake when I trusted you. You will be severely punished soon!
(Exit Lear)
ActⅢ, Scene 2
(In the Earl of Gloucester castle)
(Edmund’s room, Edmund sat on the bed; enter Regan and Cornwall)
Regan: (Turn to Edmund) Where’s Gloucester?
Edmund: (look at she strangely) Just gone to find Edgar. He is trying to kill Gloucester.
Regan: (look at him sweetly) So…wasn’t Edgar a friend of those knights who came to my house with my father?
Edmund: Yes, he was.
Cornwall: (turn to Regan) I will look for Gloucester, wait me.
(Regan nodded her head; exit Cornwall)
(Edmund disguise painfully)
Regan:(Walk close to Edmund) Um…did Edgar hurt you? Are you feeling well?
Edmund: (Smile softly, hold Regan’s hand) Yes, my charming young lady.
(Regan smiled, feel delighted, Enter Gloucester, Lear)
Regan:(look unhappy) Oh, sir. I am happy to see you.
Lear: Of course, my dear daughter, your sister has been so unkind to me.
Regan: Well, (evil smile) ask her to forgive you, let us help you.
Lear: (Surprised, angry) You will never hurt me! And I won’t return to Goneril’s house!
Someone:(devil laugh) Really?
(Enter Goneril)
Lear: (Try to clam down) Well, I will not trouble you again, see you. (Try to go)
Regan: (Hateful) No, I won’t expect you. You should send twenty-five followers away; my servants will look after you.
Goneril: (turn to Lear) Twenty-five? How about ten?
Regan: (turn to Goneril) Why does he need any followers?
Lear: (Mad) No! Do you think you will make me weep? No, I will not weep. My heart will break into a thousand pieces before I weep.
(Lear runs away, followed by Gloucester; enter Cornwall)
Cornwall: (turn to Regan) It’s going to rain, why the king went out?
Goneril: (turn to Cornwall) It is his fault. Let him suffer.
ActⅢ, Scene 3
(Lear shouted; enter edgar)
Lear: (Sadly, cried) Oh, I am here, you servant…
Edgar: Poor Tom is cold! The devil wants my life!
(Enter Gloucester)
Gloucester: (turn to Lear and Poor Tom) Come, you must be very tired.
(Gloucester brought edgar and Lear into warm place, Lear fell asleep)
Gloucester: (turn to Edgar) My friend, someone want to kill the king, will you try to go away with us to Dover?
Edgar: Yes, let me carried the Lord.
ActⅣ, Scene 1
(In the Earl of Gloucester castle; Cornwall, Regan and Goneril talked to Edmund)
Regan: What? Gloucester is a traitor?
Goneril: (Look at the letter with Edmund held) Is it the French army going to attack you? I need to tell this to Albany; (ask Edmund) may you go with me?
(Exit Edmund and Goneril, enter Gloucester with two servants)
Regan: (Rude) Tie him up! The traitor!
Cornwall: (order) Sit, where did you send the King?
Gloucester: (Bravely) Dover. I do not want your evil fingers take out his poor eyes and broke his heart! You are devil children!
Cornwall: (Mad) Fine, Then I will take out your eyes!
(A servant ran and wounded Cornwall; Regan push the servant and use her feet to step on him, blood spurted my the servant)
Servant: (painfully) My master, he will be punished! (Dead)
Cornwall: Say goodbye to your sight! (Evil laugh, took out his eyes)
Gloucester: (Shouted) Edmund! Where’s Edmund?
Regan: (To servant) Throw him out of the gates and let him smell his way to Dover. Edmund hates you, traitor!
(Cornwall fell down and dead)

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