Здесь была ссылка на работу The theme:Knowledge is power. автора Айтимова Гульнур Ерсайновна.
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Educational: - to teach students to express their own points of view and work in individual.- to enrich students knowledge of foreign languages to show the importance of being well- educated.- to educate the feelings of international friendship and love to our motherland.- to give some information about new lexical theme and to use the materials in smb`s speech.- to develop pupils` skills in oral speech and to develop the pupils knowledge, speaking, thinking.- to bring up pupiles to be patriots of their Motherland and respect to each other.- Methodological- using game technology with Interactiveboard.Visual aids: interactive board, a computer.Warming- up:Greeting.Good morning students and our guests! I`m glad to see you at our competition lesson. Let`s introduce our jury: Miss Saule, Miss Aigul, Miss Almagul.– Бүгінгі «Knowledge is power» атты сайыс сабағымызға хош келдіңіздер! Well come our competition lesson. Our theme is “Knowledge is power.”– It`s time to introduce our two team. The first team is “sun” and the second team is “moon” I stage. «Find the words» and translate into English and Russian. Our jury, you must give to ballet every answer If they are right1. … is the daughter of experience.(knowledge) … дочь опыта. ( знание)2. … is the captain, and … is it`s soldiers. (science, practice)… - капитан, а ... его солдаты. (наука, практика)3. … late than never. (Better)… поздно, чем никогда.4. … is long, life is short(Art)… коротка, искусство вечно (Жизнь)5. An honest answer is the sign of true … (friendship.) Честный ответ - знак настоящей … (дружбы