Travelling Along the Thames

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Вашему вниманию предлагается сжатый конспект урока по английскому языку по теме "Travelling along the Thames" для 5-х классов, разработанный в соответствии с ФГОС. В конспекте наблюдается логисекое развитие урока, в конце которого учащиеся получают продкут своей деятельности.

Travelling along the Thames

1.       Задание на целеполагание:

What is the capital of Russia?


 What is the capital of England?


- Have you ever been to Moscow?

- Yes, we have.

 -What have you seen there?

- Different places of interest.

Can we  surely say that there is at least a place of interest in each city in the world?

Think of 3 places of interest that exist in Moscow and write them down. Think of similar places of interest that can be in London and write them down. Compare your results.

2.       I am sure you can answer the following question: Is there a river flowing across Moscow? Name the river.

-          The Moscow river

-           Is there a river flowing across London?

-          No, I don’t.

-          Yes,  I do(confirm your answer).

-          How can we check if your answer is true or not?

-          We can apply to the map.

-          Look at the map of London and answer the question.

-          Yes, there is a river in London.

-          Can you name it?

-          The Thames.

-          Excellent.

-          What do you think could be situated on the beaches of the city?

-          There can be a lot of places of interest.

-          Can you name them?

-          -No we can’t.

-          What are we going to learn today?(THE AIM OF THE LESSON)

-          We are going to learn what places of interest are situated on both sides of the river Thames.(Write down on the blackboard).

-          How can we name today’s lesson?

-          Travelling along the Thames.(The theme of the lesson)


3.       A task upon the sights. (Задание на пробное действие)

Divide into groups of three. Each group is going to get a task concerning only one place of interest  in London. You are going to read the description of the place and to make up the scheme of the place itself. You are going to name it and find where exactly it is situated on the beaches of the Thames.

You are going to work for 10 minutes. Then you will come to the blackboard and will stick your result to the appropriate place. Let’s start.

-          If you are ready. Come to the blackboard and show the results. Now look at the screen and compare your results with the map. Improve if you were mistaken.

What was the aim of our lesson? Did we achieve it? Have you got any questions concerning this theme? Do you think these are the only places of interest  in London?

Your homework is to find information and be ready to tell us about the other places of interest in London at the next lesson.

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