Travelling of every flags, 10 сынып.

Предмет: Директору-завучу
Категория материала: Конспекты

Today we're going to speak about main cities and  famous people". You’ll  watch video and listen to your reports about famous people of  some countries.


 To develop pupils’ reading, speaking, writing skills through doing different tasks on the learnt material


To bring up pupils’ memory, love to the English language through different teaching methods

III. Visual aids Pictures cards slides.
IV. Type: Competition
V. Method: group work. Complex work. Question – answer.
Plan of the extra – curricular work.
I. Org moment:
II. Introduction:

OK. Smile to each other.

 Say "Good morning "to our guests and let's begin our lesson

The theme of our lesson is "Travelling of every flags ". Today we're going to speak about people famous all over the world. We’ll, travel   the main countries like Kazakhstan, Russia, Great Briton  and theirs capitals 


Our lesson consist of two parts: the first part we are going to travel the main countries by airplane, the second part we're going to speak about the them.

Taқтада  үш тілде жазылған сөйлемдер:No smoke, fasten your belt, "Travelling of every flags ".

Хабарланады:Ladies and Gentlemen!

Passengers are invited to take their seats on international flight London-Moscow-Astana-Ust Kamenogorsk.

Пассажирлер орындарына отырады. Капитан экипаж мүшелерін таныстырады.

Ladies and Gentlmen! I am Captain Arhat Toleuov and our cruse welcomes you on

Board of international flight company.

Our cruse consists of the first and second pilots, a board engineer, and airhostesses.

The first pilot represents the English company.

The second pilot represents the Russian company.

The board engineer is from Kazakh company.

Captain: We wish you a good flight and a pleasant journey.

 Airhostesses : Ladies and Gentleman!

We begin  our flight. My name is Altunai. I represent the English company. Take your

seats, please.

Do not move before the flying up and down. Fasten your belt, please. Have nice tripe.

The slogan of our flight is peace and friendship between all the peoples of the world. We all know the song «Солнечныйкруг»

Слайд 1

Airhostesses: We welcome you to London. It is one of the largest city in the world. About seven million people live here. London is more than two thousand  years old. London’s  famous sights are tower of Bridge, Big Ben, and the Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square an St.Pauls Cathedral. You will see all these places and much more of London

From our red double  -decker. We start from Trafalgar Square. I will tell you about the

Buckingham Palace. It is queens’ home  place in London. The houses of Parliament

Are of the British Government Big Ben is one of the most famous clocks in the world. The Royal Church is the  Westminster Abbey. Thank you and nice travel to you

Dialogue with two passengers

-Hello ! My name is Jonathan Kangas

-Where do you come  from?- I come from Dundee on  the east coast of Scotland, but

-I am a student of Durham university in the North.

-What Do you study ?-I am studying French and German.

-How  many language do you speak ? I can speak four languages.

Are you enjoying the course? I am enjoying  the  course a lot, but  it is a very hard work.

-What are you going to do after the course ?-I am going to work in France


 Airhostesses : Ladies and Gentleman!

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Количество скачиваний: 17
Просмотров: 104

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