Урок английского языка на тему "Цвета"

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты


Class: 5

Theme: Colours?

Aims: 1. introduce new English words . 2. develop the memory and attention. 3. grow-up a sense of love to the subject.

Type of lesson: study of the new material

Equipment: stickers, books, presentation with the colours.


1) Ұйымдастырукезеңі.

Stand up! Stand strait! Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you.Sit down, please. I’m glad to see you! How are you today? And what about You?
So, let’s start.

Who is on duty today? Who is absent? Let's start our lesson. We will play and work much.


2) Үйтапсырмасынтексеру.To tell the dialogue in pairs.

3) Жаңасабақтытүсіндіру.


Yellow is a star.
Yellow is the sun.
Yellow is the moon,
When the day is done.



Orange is an orange.
Orange is a carrot.
Orange is the colour
of the beak of a parrot.


What the new theme will be about?

Today at the lesson we’ll talk about  colours. We’ll take the theme « Colours?»

Write down the date and the new theme.


Teacher: Answer my question. Which colours do you know?

Teacher: Thank you for your work.

Teacher: Look at the black board and write down to your copy-books  new words.

Teacher: Now let’s listen and repeat.

Let’s have a little rest.

Teacher: But I see you are tired. Let’s have a rest. Let’s sing a song.



Task1. Colors

Tell me the right colour.

On a good day, the sky is usually ___ blue .

Lemons and bananas are usually ___ yellow .

Apples, strawberries and cherries are most often ___ red .

Traffic lights are red, yellow and ___ green .

A zebra is black and ___ white .

The American penny (one cent coin) is ___ brown .

A wooden floor is usually ___ brown .

Men going to funerals most often wear ___ black suits.

At a wedding, the bride usually wears a ___ white dress.

Grapes are usually green or ___ purple .

Task2. Draw the colours.



Teacher: Thank you for your work

What did we do today?

What new words do you know?

Who is number one today?

Today I like your work.


The home task. Learn the new words, learn new words.


Teacher: Lesson is over Good bye.

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Просмотров: 101

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