Урок "Grammar reference" 9 кл

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Grammar: First Conditional

From If + Present Simple + will


If I find money, I’ll keep it.

We’ll go to the mountains if the weather is nice.


You will not (won’t) waste your time if you want to pass your exams successfully


What will you do if you lose your money?

In “if clause” we don’t use Future Simple.

We use Present Simple.

Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with if or when.

  • ______ I become a Minister of Education
  • ______ I wake up tomorrow
  • ______ it gets dark
  • ______ she passes her exam
  • ______ the lesson finishes
  • ______ it doesn’t rain tomorrow

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences any way you like.

  • I’ll be surprised if _____
  • I’ll be sorry if ______
  • I’ll be frightened if _____
  • I’ll very happy if _____
  • I’ll be bored if _____
  • I’ll be angry if _____

Exercise 3. Choose the correct tenses (present or will …)

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Количество скачиваний: 22
Просмотров: 95

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