Урок в 5 классе осень. Овощи

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты



1.     To familiarize pupils with new vocabulary.

2.     To develop pupils’ writing abilities.

3.     To stimulate pupils’ interest in music, poetry and art.

I.                   Warming up

Hello, everyone. It’s a nice weather today, isn’t it? When I came to school I couldn’t keep enjoying the beauty of autumn, its yellow, red and golden trees and bushes, its warm wind.

       This is the season

       When days are cool,

       When we put on

       Our raincoats and go to school.

       What season is it?

Pupils: Autumn.

II.                 Discussion

Yes, today we shall speak about autumn. Do you remember any poems about autumn?


        Spring is green,

        Summer is bright,

        Autumn is yellow,

        Winter is white.

        Everything is shining wet

        In rain, rain, rain.

        It falls with tricking, splashing sounds,

       Upon the window-pane.

Very good. And now will you listen to the music try to draw anything you like about autumn. (music by Antonio Vivaldi “Autumn”). Will you be so kind and describe your pictures now? I see that there are a lot of vegetables on your pictures; of course, we can say that autumn is a “tasty” season. And I suggest you to turn to our vocabulary we’ll need today.

II.                 Lexis presentation

I’ll show the pictures of vegetables and should repeat their names after me and try remember as much as possible. I don’t think it’ll be difficult for you because you’ve known many of them already.

A potato, cabbage, a beet, a carrot, a tomato, a cucumber, an onion, a garloc, a radish.

III.              Working with new lexis

And now let’s see how you remember the words you’ve just learnt. There will be three teams. One of them will ask each other what vegetables they like and what they do not like, the second will ask about their colors and the third group will try to get to know what vegetables grow under the ground and what on it. (Differentiation task). You have only three minutes to do this task. Let’s listen to your dialogues.

IV.              Dictation

Well done. Now you will have a little test. Will you take your sheets of paper and pencils because we are going to draw the dictation? Will you lay your sheets of paper lengthways? I’ll dictate sentence by sentence and you should draw what you’ll hear.

Draw a line across your page from left to right. Draw a line across the middle of the page.

Above the line there is the grass.

In the top left-hand corner there are radish, cucumber and tomato.

Draw potato and onion in the bottom left-hand corner.

Top right-hand corner – there are three beets on the grass and two green heads of cabbage.

Make a dotted line from the radish to the beets.

Count and write down how many vegetables there are in your picture.

V.                Summarizing

You were great. I like your working today. You were very active and took part in our lesson. I’d like to know, what tasks do you like most of all?

As for your marks they are…

VI.              Home task

You home task for the next lesson is to learn all the words we’ve learned today and to write down a small fairy tale about vegetables and, of course, you should illustrate your story.


See you tomorrow.

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