Урок «Вы заботитесь о своём здоровье?»

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Тема урока: «Вы заботитесь о своём здоровье?»

Цель урока: Создать условия для обучения иноязычной культуре общения.

Образовательная задача:

Обучение основным коммуникативным умениям:

аудированию, говорению, чтению. Формирование лексических и грамматических навыков.

Развивающая задача:

Развитие критического мышления, умений учащихся обобщать, сравнивать, формулировать , высказывать и аргументировать свою точку зрения.

Воспитательная задача:

Приобщение учащихся к здоровому образу жизни, воспитание культуры общения, умения работать в сотрудничестве.

Технологии: ИКТ, личностно ориентированное развивающее обучение, здоровье сберегающие технологии.

Методы: коммуникативный, проблемный, элементы исследовательского, репродуктивный, продуктивный, словесно- иллюстративный.

Формы работы: индивидуальная, парная, групповая, фронтальная.

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Оснащение урока: мультимедийный проектор, мультимедийная презентация к уроку, аудиозаписи к уроку, карточки с заданиями, музыкальное сопровождение.

План урока.

1. Мотивационный момент.

Listen to me and say what we are going to talk about.

An apple a day
Keeps the doctor away
If he knocks at the door
Then show him the core!

Why are we going to do it? We’ll try to prove that health is important.

2. Актуализация знаний.

Do you care about your health? Interview each other.

-Do you care about your health?

-Yes, I do. / Yes, certainly. / Yes, sure.

-What do you do?

-I play sports.

3. Работа над совершенствованием фонетических навыков.

To be healthy you should go in for sport. To learn more kinds of sport let’s do ex.24 p. 105. I wonder what your favourite sport is. Which sport would you like to go in for?

This year the 22nd Olympic Games took place in Russia. It seems to me you know the names of Russian heroes of the contest in Sochi? I will name some Russian sportsmen and you should remember kind of sport they go in for.

(учитель называет имя спортсмена, детям нужно вспомнить, какой вид спорта представляет этот спортсмен; виды спорта даны в слайде)

Adelina Sotnikova – figure skating

Victor An – short track

Alexader Tretyakov – skeleton

Nikita Krukov – skiing

Alexander Ovechkin – hockey

Alexander Zubkov - bobsleigh

Vic Wild – snowboard

Who is your favourite sportsman?

4. Аудирование с целью поиска необходимой информации.

Some people take care of health others don’t. Listen to their opinions and say if the following statements are true or false. Ex.25 p.106

Anna stops eating chocolate, sweets and fast food.

Mark keeps a diet.

Mark prefers playing basketball.

Anna goes jogging in the park.

5. If you are healthy you are happy. If you are happy you sing and dance. A nice song invites us to sing and dance. Why not do it?

If You're Happy And You Know It

If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!
If you're happy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!

If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet!
If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet!
If you're happy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet!

6. Просмотровое чтение.

A 15 years old teenager has written about his attitude towards health. Scan the text and answer the question. Does he take care of health?

I’m fifteen years old and I care about my health. Last three years I do my morning exercises. My favourite winter sports are cross-country skiing and skating. I prefer to run in the park and play tennis in summer. I go to the swimming pool twice a week the whole year round. Swimming increases the respiratory system. I go in for sport because it makes me strong and healthy.

I also try to observe a day regimen. Every day I go to bed and get up at approximately the same time. I sleep 8 or 9 hours.

I give special attention to meals. I don’t eat fatty and high-calorie foods and I don’t drink heavily gas-cut beverages. I eat fruit and vegetables. They are rich in vitamins.

I don’t smoke or drink alcohol it’s dangerous. Sooner or later it will be injurious to our health. I think that everybody must begin to take care of his health in his youth because it’s easier to take care of our health than to recover it.

7. Cовершенствование навыков построения монологического высказывания на основе прочитанного.

What is your personal attitude towards health? Make groups of fours? Read the text again and say what you do to be healthy.

8. Домашнее задание.

People eat to live. What food do we need to be healthy? I offer you to read the text of ex.36 p.109. It will help you to answer the question. If you are willing you may make a presentation using the information from the text. Write down your home task.

Тип материала: Документ Microsoft Word (doc)
Размер: 49.5 Kb
Количество скачиваний: 6
Просмотров: 68

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