Внеклассное мероприятие "Брейн-ринг" на тему "London"

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы

BrainRing   “London”

учитель: Братковская Яна Валерьевна

  класс: 6-А

Цели мероприятия:


  • закрепить изученный лингвострановедческий материал;


  • развивать внимание и память учащихся;
  • формировать коммуникативную и социо-культурную компетенции;


  • формировать умение работать в сотрудничестве с другими;
  • воспитывать уважение и познавательный интерес к истории, культуре и традициям Великобритании.

Задачи: Обобщить пройденный материал по теме, развивать лексические, грамматические навыки, навыки монологической речи и аудирования.



T. Dear friends! Today we’ll play a game “Brain Ring” or everything about London. You have already read many texts in your books, had a lot of additional information about Great Britain, London and its sights. But before we start our game let’s listen to the national anthem of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is called “God Save the Queen”.

                                                 God save our gracious Queen!

                                                 Long live our noble Queen!

                                                 God, save the Queen!

                                                 Send her victorious,

                                                 Happy and glorious,

                                                 Long reign over us,

                                                 God, save the Queen!


And now it’s time to introduce our teams and begin our game. Captains, introduce your teams, please.


 So we came to the main point of today’s game – London. But before speaking about London I want you to interpret with the help of the alphabet codified expression of a famous English writer Samuel Johnson about London.


When a man is tired of London he is tired of life.( scrambled – 23,8,5,14,1,13,1,14,9,19,20,9,18,5,4,15,6,12,15,14,4,15,14,8,5,9,19,20,9,18,5,4,15,6,12,9, 6,5.))

(приложение 1)


The 1stround. Разминка. (1 бал за правильный ответ)


1. .How many letters are there in the English alphabet?

2.      How many seasons are there in a year?

3.      Who is my father’s father?

4.      Who is my mother’s son?

  1. When do the English celebrate Christmas?
  2. When do the Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day?
  3. Is “vegetable” food or animal?
  4. Is “carrot” a vegetable or fruit?
  5. Where do we do our homework?
  6. Where do we cook and wash up?


The 2nd round.Make  up   the  word  combinations. (приложение 2).

             Big                                      Palace

              Trafalgar                           Tower

              Bloody                               London

              White                                 Bridge

              Buckingham                      Ben

              The Houses of                  Square

              Tower                                Abbey

              The Tower of                    Parliament

               Westminster                   Tower


The 3d round.  Choose the correct answer.(приложение 3)


1.London is the capital of….

a.         Scotland

b.         Great Britain

c.         America

2. St.Paul’s Cathedral is…

a.         a church

b.         a fortress

c.         a museum       

3. The Great Fire of London took place in …

a.         1666

b.         1796

c.         1904

4. The largest park in London is ….

a.         Regent’s Park

b.         Hyde Park

c.         St. James’s Park

5. The queen lives in …

a.         Buckingham Palace

b.         The Tower of London

c.         Westminster Abby

6. London is situated on the river …

a.         Volga

b.         Thames

c.         Seven

7. The Tower of London is …

a.         prison

b.         a museum

c.         the Zoo

8. The Heart of London is …

a.         Westminster

b.         the West End

c.         the City

9. St. Paul’s Cathedral was built in the 17th century by … 

a.         Admiral Nelson

b.         William the Conqueror

c.         Sir Christopher Wren

10. Big Ben is …

a.         bell

b.         the clock

c.         a tower

11.       Which famous writer was born in Stratford-upon-Avon?

a. Geoffrey Chaucer

b. Agatha Christie

c. William Shakespeare






The 4th round. What is it?


WestEnd –the richest part of London

Tower of London –a museum

Westminster Abbey –a church

Buckingham Palace– the Queen’s home

Football – sport

Wimbledon – tennis stadium

Double-decker – London bus

TheGlobe – a theatre

Union Jack –the UK flag

Big Ben –a clock

The Thames – a river

Great Britain – an island

The UK – a country

Halloween – a holiday

Oxford – a university city

Elizabeth II – the queen

The tube – London underground

The black cab – London taxi

A red rose – a symbol of England

Ben Nevis – a mountain

London – a city (the capital)


The  5th  round.  Crossword   (приложение4)




The 6th round

Make up as many words as you can using letters from the word misunderstanding. You have only one minute. (miss, stand, under, dear, sun, ran, run, at, near, dinner, gun, dress, sing, sang, sung, tan, grass, dad, eat, ate, did, rest, art, mister, master, sister, aunt, air, ear, )

The time is over. Please read words by turns.


The 7th round. What famous places can you see?   Readandmatch. (приложение 5)



The8th  round.(дополнительная игра при равном количестве баллов)

Учащимся предложен ряд  цифр, каждая из которых соответствует букве в английском

алфавите. Нужно собрать слово, и объяснить, какое отношение имеет это понятие к Великобритании.





1.         Команда

1, 20, 12, 1, 14, 20, 9,3      15, 3, 51, 14 (Atlantic Ocean)


20, 8, 1, 13, 5, 19    (Thames)


2.         Команда


5, 12, 9, 26, 1, 2, 5, 20, 8    (Elizabeth)


21, 14, 9, 15, 14     10, 1, 3, 11  (Union Jack)




The winner of the game is…   You are awarded by…..

Thank you, good bye. The game is over.






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