Where is the fox?

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Презентации
An English lesson   Date: The 17 th of April Grade: 1«B» The theme of the lesson: Unit 7. Lesson 3. Where is the fox? The aims of the lesson: a) educational:                        to explain the new materials, to consolidate   students knowledge concerning                        the theme b) breeding:                        to increase students  interest to English c) developing to develop students abilities and skills in monologue speech through asking and answering questions. Doing of different exercises. To develop the students speaking.   The type of the lesson:  Combined and Revision lesson The visual aids:  Presentation, cards with pictures, interactive board, toys, balloons. The methods of the lesson:  Asking and answering, reading and speaking.     Procedure of the lesson Organization moment -          Good day, students! -          How are you?     II. W a r m     u p A)    Divide into 3 group B)    Say poems    III. Revision lesson   -          Now, students, I’ll ask you already studied materials -          Let’s review which we past at the lesson                    IV. Presentation of the new materials: We’ll have an unusual lesson today.We’ll learn Grammar: Prepositions of place ( IN, ON, UNDER) recite     poems, do physical minute and of course we’ll play a game.  You’ll get smiles for you each correct answer and at the end of the lesson we’ll count your smiles and evaluate with marks.               V.  Grammar: Prepositions (IN, ON, UNDER)     VI. Sing a song.(IN,ON,UNDER)   VII. Work with book. Children open your books and listen the CD and learn. VIII. Work with copybook Open your book on page 44 Exercise 1 Find , circle, ask and answer.     IX. Phisical training If you tired let’s do physical training. All of you stand up and look at the active board . Children Doing and singing. You must repeat after them. X. Learn the new letters Learn the new letter R r and S s  and new words.. Exercise 5. Write the letters. Say the words.(work book) XI.  Giving up marks You take many smiles and count this smiles. Say me how many smiles have you got. P1,2,3-5 P4,5,6-4 XII. Giving up homework Ex:3 Look and circle the first letter of the words. Ex: 4 Trace. XIII. Conclusion of the lesson Well, students today we learnt a lot. I hope you like today’s lesson. Lesson is over. Good Bye!    
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