Who is the best

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Тақырыбы: " Who is the best?"

Мақсаты: Жыл мезгілдері бойынша лексикалық және грамматикалық тақырыпты бекіту; Оқушылардың қызығушылығын арттыру;


Good afternoon, dear guests, teachers and pupils! I am glad to see you at our lesson.

Today we have an unusual lesson, it’s competition lesson. We are going to continue and revise our previous lesson. The theme of our lesson is " Who is the best?"

I level..

The 1st part of our competition is introduction of groups ( өз топтарын таныстыру)

Let's begin our first level. Good luck!!!!

You can see the « stupid words»: 1. twrine; 2. rpgisn; 3. mutanu; 4. umresm.

Орындары ауысқан әріптерді орнына қою керек.

Write the names of the seasons. You should say this names of the seasons in 3 languages: Kazakh, Russian and English.

This level is over……….

2 nd level.

Write as many holiday dates of Kazakhstan as you know and how would you say them.

  • 1.The 1st of January
  • 2.… ?

This level is over……….

3 rd level.

Match the words with the definitions.

  • 1.Tuesday … a) the fifth day of the week
  • 2.Sunday … b) the third day of the week
  • 3.October … c) it is after spring
  • 4.Summer … d) the third month of the year
  • 5.Friday … e) the tenth month of the year
  • 6.August … f) the seventh day of the week
  • 7.Wednesday… g) the second day of the week
  • 8.Saturday … h) the eighth month of the year

4th level: What colour is it?

5th level: Answer the questions:

1) How many seasons of the year?

2) How many days of the week?

3) What day after Monday?

4) What day before Tuesday?

5) How many months of the year?

6) What day before Saturday?

7) What day after Thursday?

8) What day before Sunday?

6th level: Choose the correct form.

Дүйсенбі Thursday

Сейсенбі Friday

Сәрсенбі Monday

Бейсенбі Tuesday

Жұма Saturday

Сенбі Sunday

Жексенбі Wednesday

Dear children, we have come to the end of our lesson.

Let's see our results .The juries give the results of the competition.

I think you have enjoyed the lesson!! Good bye… L wish you success and luck!

See you later!!!!

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