Whose t-shirt is this?

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Презентации


 Theme: Whose T- shirt is this? For the 5-th grade. 

The aims of the lesson: 
1.to practice pupils in monological and dialogical speech, to teach pupils to work creatively and introduce new words, expressions according to the theme. 
2.to enrich the pupils’ knowledge with new words, to improve pronunciation and to develop oral speech. 
Type of the lesson: lesson combination. 
Methods- individual work, complex work, poem, question- answer. 
The procedure of the lesson: 
I.Organization moment: 
2.making of the absentees 
Good afternoon, children.I’m glad to see you. Sit down. 
-Who’s on duty today? 
-What day is it today? 
-What date is it today? 
-Who’s absent? 
Let’s begin our lesson. Today we will review the ABC, the numerals, new words and language structures. We will begin our lesson with the poem " The cat and the mouse.” 
II.Phonetic drill: 
Little mouse, little mouse, 
Where is your house? 
Little cat, little cat, 
I have no flat. 
I am a poor mouse 
I have no house. 
a) Who knows the English alphabet better? 
b) Do know numerals? Count from 1to 20. 
c) How well do you know the language structures? 
Answer the questions: 
What’s your name? P: My name is...... 
What’s your sutname? P: My surname is...... 
Where you from? P: I’m from...... 
How are you? 
How old are you? 
Which class are you in? 
What’s your adress? 
What’s your telephone number? 
IV.New theme: "Whose T- shirt is this? 
1.New vocabulary:socks, a T- shirt, trainers, jeans,a skirt, a sweater, roller skaters, an 
anorak, trousers, a shirt, a tie, acap, a pullover, a blouse, a jacket, shoes, a hat, a dress. 
Pupils make up 1-2 sentences with each word. 
ex1. Write the answers. 
Whose T-shirt is this? (Omar) 
Whose jeans are these? (Dauren) 
Whose dress is this? (Asel) 
Whose shoes are these? (Carol) 
Ex2. Write this or these. 
Is.....Omar’s hat? 
Are....Asel’s trainers? 
Is.....Carol’s skirt? 
Are....Dinara’s sweater? 
3.Grammar-making combination of words with the help of possessive pronouns. 

It’s your 
It’s yours 

They’re our They’re ours 

Their theirs

Work in pairs:complete the dialogue 
Is this your cap? 
Yes, it’s my cap. 
Is this Asel’s dress? 
No, it isn’t. It is Carol’s. 
4.Let’s play a game "A fisherman” 
a)translate the words: a mother, a father, a sister, a brother, a family, an aunt, an uncle, 
parents, children. 
b)make up 1 sentence with each 
d) tell about your family 
6.Conclusion and evaluation. 
Teacher asks the qurstions to check pupilswhat have learned during the lesson and 
What they found interesting. Teacher evaluates the pupils work during the lesson.



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