Ғылыми жұмыс тақырыбы : Тез дайындалатын тағамдардың адам ағзасына зияны. Дайындаған : Махметов Батыр 2 курс студенті Жетекшісі :Рахимова Райса Бекболатвна

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы

Жаңақала колледжі

Ғылыми жұмыс тақырыбы : Тез дайындалатын тағамдардың адам ағзасына зияны.

Дайындаған : Махметов Батыр

2 курс студенті

Жетекшісі :Рахимова Райса Бекболатвна

The Theme of project work:

Harm Of Fast Food for our Health

1. The importance of the question of fast food

Fast food has always been popular. Children have always liked Big Mac and drinks. You can find fast food restaurants in all countries of the world, practically in all big cities. People come in and quickly have their lunches and dinners. They say they like it because it doesn’t take them long, the food is rather tasty and they don’t pay much money for their meals. But is this food really healthy? Nowadays scientists take a lot about eating problems. Some of them say that many people have become fat because they are fond of junk food - hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chips, and so on. And these are the things we usually buy and eat in fast food restaurants. There is not enough fruit and vegetables on the menu and there is too much sugar in sweet pies and cakes. This food is low in vitamins. Eating such food is risky and can be really dangerous.

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