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As a teacher of English I hope my students will take an active part in the classroom. It’s my duty to make classroom a lively and interesting place. How can I create such a classroom? My experience has taught me that warm-up activities can spark students’ curiosity and promote a comfortable atmosphere. Warm-up activities are activities or games carried out at the beginning of each class to motivate students, so they can make good use of class time, because some students are afraid of speaking English or they are confused, so I try to involve them into the process of collaboration. In our daily life we are to play different parts. 5 min activities 1.Alphabet song A B C time: 3 min E D theme: Food F 2. S_D_U- to make up a word like STUDENT STUDY 3. Last letter first Table Must have: A Eagle Can’t have: E East Should be at least 4 letters long Tennis Stamp 4. Longest word challenge ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM