Административная контрольная работа для студентов среднего звена (ПГС)

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы


ОГСЭ.03. «Английский язык»


08.02.01 «Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений»


Группа ПГС-4


Преподаватель Р.А. Аразханова


Вариант № 1



Инструкция: контрольная работа состоит из 2 частей, на ее выполнение дается 60 минут.

Часть 1 включает в себя ознакомление с текстом .

Часть 2 состоит из заданий к тексту


Modern Building Materials: Classification


Materials are solid substances of which manufactured products are made. A variety of materials are 

used in different products. Basic types of materials range from wood, which has been used for thousands of years, to composite materials, which are still under development

Materials belong to two groups: (1) natural materials and (2) extracted materials. Natural materials, which include stone, wood, and wool, are used much as they occur in nature. Extracted materials, such as plastics,  alloys (metal mixtures), and  ceramics, are created through the processing of various natural substances. 

Natural materials generally are used as they are found, except for being cleaned, cut, or processed in a simple way that does not use much energy. Natural materials include stone and biological materials.

Certain types of rock are extremely strong and hard, and are therefore used as building stone. There are two types of building stone—crushed stone and dimension stone.

Biological materials are substances that develop as part of a plant or animal

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