Австралия. (открытый урок в 10 классе)

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты


(открытый урок в 10 классе)

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний.

Цель: Развитие монологической и диалогической речи с использованием мультимедийных технологий.

Задачи урока:

Образовательные: совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком; развивать навыки аудирования; расширить кругозор учащихся; обучить навыкам работы в мультимедийной среде.

Познавательные: активизировать лексический материал по теме.

Воспитательные: воспитывать умение внимательно слушать и слушать своих одноклассников; повысить интерес к изучению английского языка.

Развивающие: развивать творческие способности; развивать умение высказывать мнения, делать выводы.

Учебники и учебные пособия:

1.                       «Счастливый английский – 4», Клементьева Т.Б., Шэннон Д.

2.                       Opportunities – Intermediate Russian Edition? +Michael Harris? «Longman».


1.                       Интерактивная доска.

2.                       Мультимедийный проектор.

3.                       Компьютеры.

4.                       Кассета №1, №2 к учебному пособию «Opportunities – Intermediate».

5.                       CD к «Opportunities – Intermediate»

Ход урока:

I.Начало урока.

T: Today were going to speak about one of English – speaking countries – Australia using multimedia. You’ll tell about this country its people, cities, climate, animals. Then you will act out dialogues, Listen to the tape and do some exercises, using computers. You see we’ve got a lot of things to do so let’s get down to work at once.

II. Фонетическая зарядка:

We’ll start with proverbs.

On the smart board you can see some mixed up English proverbs. Will you match the beginnings with the endings, please? Make your guesses, please. Who will help at the smart board?

На доске:

1.                       East or West                                                   a) broadens the mind

2.                       So many countries                                           b) home is best

3.                       Traveling                                                         c) by its traditions

4.                       Every country is strong                                    d) so many customs

Thank you, students. Well done. Let’s say these proverbs all together.

III. Монологическая речь.

You had to prepare some information about Australia (на доске карта Австралии).

P1: The Commonwealth of Australia is a federal state within the Commonwealth. Its territories are the continent of Australia, the island.

It has an area of about 8 million square kilometers.

P2^ Australia is a continent, a country and an island all at the same time. It is the 6th largest country and the smallest continent in the world. Australia is Located in the southern hemisphere. That’s why it has winter when we have summer. It’s interesting to know that January is the hottest month in Australia.

P3: Australia is situated south of Asia, between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans. Australia is the world’s driest continent. Huge areas of land are so dry that they are uninhabited. There’re rainforests in the north, snowfields in the south – east, desert in the centre and fertile croplands in the south and south – west Australia is also the flattest continent after Antarctica.

P4^ The Commonwealth of Australia is a self governing federal state and a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. Formally the head of the state is the Queen of Britain represented by the governor – General. It consists of 6 states and 2 territories: (показывает и называет штаты).

P5: Australia is a very urban country. About 70 per cent of the population live in 10 largest cities. Most of the population is in the south eastern corner of the country and only 15 per cent of the population live in rural areas. The big cities are Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane.

Canberra is the capital of Australia. It is not the biggest city.

P6: Sydney is the largest and oldest city in Australia. Nearly 4 million people lire there. A quarter of the residents were born overseas. Their countries and continents of origin are the UK, Ireland, New Zealand, Europe, Asia. They speak English but also Italian, Greek, Arabic, Lebanese, Chinese and Sydney from all over the world. They are attracted by Sydney’s natural beauty, climate, its impressive galleries, museums, architecture and parks. Sydney was the host for the Olympic Games 2000.

P7: Australia has several different climatic  regions, from warm to subtropical and tropical. There are tropical forests in the north – east because the winds from the sea bring heavy rainfalls especially in tropical summer.

The climate in the west is very dry and more than half of Australia gets very little rain. In the sound – west and east the winds bring rain in winter.

P8: Australia is home of strange native animals. They are not found anywhere else in the world. Australia’s best known animals are the kangaroo, the koala and the dingo. There are 50 species of kangaroo. The koala lives on Leaves alone. There are 55 species of parrots in Australia. They are very colorful. The emu is the most interesting bird in Australia.  It is big and can’t fly. The kookaburra is another interesting Australian bird. Itcan’tsing, butlaughslikeahuman.

/все рассказы сопровождаются показом слайдов/.

T: Thank you, students, for your interesting information about Australia.

IV.              Диалогическая речь:

(на доске слайды «Attheairport», в кабинете вывески характерные для аэропорта: Check – indesk, Currencyexchange, Departures, Arrivals, Exit, Ticketofficeе и так далее).

T: Now, students, pretend that were at the airport .

You know some students from Australia are coming to our town today. Your class – mate ADRIANA HAS ALSO BEEN THERE. THEY ALL ARE ON THE WAY to our town on the board of the plane from Sydney now. They have been flying for several hours already. I think they will arrive very soon.

Look around, students. There are a lot of signs on the walls.

(Учитель задаёт вопросы, показывая на вывески. Гомс: объявления о посадках или вылетах на английском языке.)

Кассета №1 к «Opportunities – Intermediate» Ex.3. p.38. Все слушают.

T. Isn’t it their flight? I think not.

T: P1, will you go to the information desk and find out the time of their arrival, please?

(диалог между служащими и учеником).

-         Excuse me, could you give me some information about the next flight from Sydney, please?

-         There is a plane from Sydney in 20 minutes, at 2.30.

-         Thank you.

-         You are welcome.

T: Students, let’s listen to another conversation: (учебное пособие « Opportunities – Intermediate» с.39 Ex/ 5/ Dialogue 2, Кассета №1 голос – объявление о прибытии самолёта ).

T: Oh, boys, girls! Look over there! They’re `coming!

P1 –Hi! Are you Alice and Tom?

Alice, Tom yes, we are.

Все – Welcome to Russia!

P2, 3, 4 – Nice to meet you!

P2 – How was the trip?

Alice Oh, it was very long.

Tom – And we’re Happy to be here now!

T. – Adriana, will you introduce your Australian friends, please.

Adriana: Sure. this is Alice. This is Tom.

P3, P4 = Pleased to meet you.

T: Dear guests, could you tell us about yourselves, please? (гости рассказывают свою «легенду».)

T1 Have you ever been to Russia?

Alice: No, I haven’t.

Tom: No, this will be my first time in Russia.

P2: What were your first impressions of Australia, Adriana?

Adriano: The first thing I Was impressed with was how polite and helpful everyone there was.

Alice: Yes Australians are very friendly.

Adriana: Even the drives there are nice. They stop their Cars and wait for pedestrians to Cross.

Tom: Pedestrians always have “the right way”

Adriana: I was also very impressed by the number that live right in the city.

Alice: Yes, we do. Now we have separate recycling bins for cans, bottles and general garbage.

And today new trees are being planted all over Australia.

P3 – what is your first impression of Russia, Alice?

Alice: I was surprised to find that it is winter here. It’s summertime at home.

P4 – How do you get to school in Sydney?

Tom – We usually go to school by boat.

P4 – Really? Yon go to school by boat, don’t you?

Tom – Yes we do. Because Sydney was built by the sea. It is of the quicker to travel by ferry.

P5 – And what about schools in Australia. Could you tell about them, please. (Алиса и том рассказывают о школах в Австралии: с. 112 – 113 в учебнике).

P6 – Do you wear a uniform, I wonder?

Alice – yes, we have to wear the full uniform.

P7 – The full uniform? Whatisit? (Гости рассказывают о школьной форме с. 105 в учебнике).

T: Thank you very much Alice, Tom, Adriana/ It was interesting to know more about Australia. We hope you’ll like it.

V.                      Аудирование:

(кассета №3 «Opportunities – Intermediate», Culture Corner 9, EX. 4. p. 115.).

T: Now, students, you’ll listen to another information about Australia. Then you will choose correct answers: There’re 3 versions: 1 True 2 False 3 Not stated.

На интерактивной доске предложения:

1.      The weather in Australia and in Great Britain is almost the same.

2.      Australians spend a lot of time outdoors.

3.      Australians love to play and watch sports.

4.      Outback – that is the desert and semi – desert area in the middle of the country.

5.      There are a lot of amazing animals: emus, platypuses, echidnas, possums, dingoes.

6.      But the most interesting bird is kookaburra.

7.      There are 55 species of Parrots there.

8.      There are a lot of poisonous snakes there.

(2 раза прослушивают текст, читают в слух по очереди, называют ответ).

VI. Grammar practice:

Now, children, go to the computers, switch on the. Please find «Opportunities – Intermediate».

Let’s do grammar exercises:

Module 2, Grammar 2, 4.

Module 5, Grammar 1, 2.

VI.                   Заключительный этап урока.

Our lesson is coming to an end.

Thank you for your work.

I think you have deserved good and excellent marks.


I want you to write down your homework.

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