Bad habits

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы
Тақырыбы: “Bad Habits”                                                                                                       Сабақтың мақсаты:Білімділік: Тақырыпқа байланысты сөздік қорды молайтуДамытушылық: Мәтін арқылы оқу қабілетін дамытуТәрбиелілігі: Оқушыларды жаман әдеттерден аулақ болуға тәрбиелеуКөрнекілік:  Blackboard, pictures,  interactive board.PROCEDURE OF THE LESSON                           I. Дайындық кезеңі       1. Greeting: - Good morning, pupils!                         - How are you today?                         - Who is on duty today?                         - What date is it today?                         - What day is it today?                         - Who is absent?                         - What was your home task?II. To check up pupils’ home task: They had to learn the new words by heart and make some sentences using them. For example: I am usually angry when my brother takes my things. Write the appropriate words to the pictures.                                    confused                 angry                                                              IV. Жаңа тақырып: (Presentation)1. Exercise 4, page 171. You are going to read the article. Before reading the text study the following                               ересек crooked                          қисық
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