English and Kazakh beliefs. 10 сынып.

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Procedure of the lesson:

І. Organization moment – Greeting. 

-         Good morning, boys and girls! Sit down, everybody! It’s time to start our lesson. When I was going to school I saw the cat crossing the street. Will it bring good luck or bad luck? How do you think? Is it interesting? So, we’ll spend today’s lesson working on a very interesting theme –  “BELIEFS” or  “SUPERSTITIONS”

What’s the Kazakh for “ superstition”? It means  – the belief that particular events bring good or bad luck. Well, what do we know about the superstitions surrounding us?

II. Introduction. Today we continue to talk about English and Kazakh superstitions. We have already read about the most common English superstitions.  Today we are going to read and find out some Kazakh superstitions.

III. Checking up home task: -  What was your home task?

1. Read the text “English beliefs”.

2. The Modal Verbs of obligation, necessity, advice and possibility. Write down for 2 sentences.

If you are asked for the salt at a table, you must not hand it to the other person. You must put it on the table in front of them. – Modal Verbs must, mustn’t needn’t, have to, don’t have to mean obligation and necessity.

Two women should not pour tea from the same teapot unless they want to have a baby. It is believed that one will have a baby less than a year later. You ought not to light three cigarettes with the same match: the last person will have bad luck. - Modal Verbs should, shouldn’t, ought to, ought not to, had better, had better not mean mild obligation and advice.


You must not open an umbrella inside a house for it may bring bad luck to you. You should not put shoes on the table: there might be an argument in the house before long. – Modal Verbs may, may not, might, might not, can, cannot, could, could not mean possibility.

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