English is my favourite subject

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Title of the lesson: English is my favourite subject

Aims of the lesson: to talk about school subjects

Objectives of the lesson: 1) to consolidate language and speech material  

                                                   on the theme “My favourite subject”

                                               2) to practice using Present Perfect Tense

                                               3) to develop friendly attitude towards English 

Materials: CD, cards       

1. Org. moment     

2. Warm up

     3. Check up the home work: Ex.12 p. 13

     4. Presentation: English is my favourite subject

     5. Practice:  Ex. 1-19 p. 14-19 (S/B)

         A. Grammar / Present Perfect Tense

         Present Perfect Tense употребляетсядлявыражениядействия,

         совершившегося к настоящему моменту, результат которого

         имеется налицо в настоящее время.

                       have/ hasV3/ Ved    

                       Утвердительная форма

         I/ You have come

         He/ she/ it has come

         We/ you/ they have come


          I/ You have not come

         He/ she/ it has not come

         We/ you/ they have not come


         Have I/ You / we/ they come?

         Has she/he/ it come?


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Просмотров: 163

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