Game: Jeopardy. 7 grade

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Тесты

Game: Jeopardy.

I .Countable or uncountable?

1 team

1.     Banana.

2.     Excitement

3.     Information

4.     Experience

5.     View

2 team

1.     Bread

2.     Experience

3.     Money

4.     Importance

5.     Cholesterol

II   A, an or the.

1 team

1.     London is the capital of England.

2.     What a nice Jacket.

3.     Picasso was an artist.

4.     Would you please turn down _ music?

5.     It takes 10 hours by plane to cross the Pasific.

III Find the Mistake.

1 team

1. The man is looking for an job.

2. Seoul is largest city in Korea. 200

3. I love the bananas. 300

4. Will you have a dinner with me?400

5. Jupiter and Saturn are two biggest planets. 500

IV. Fill – in: General

2 team

1.My favorite flower is ___ rose. 100

 2. ___ Service at the restaurant was good. 200

3. Are you interested in ___ art?300

4. Bob went to ___ prison to visit his brother. 400

6.     Last year I had a vacation in ___ Virgin Islands. 500

V. Fill - in: General

1 team

1. __ Russian Federation. 100

2. I don’t like __ ice - cream. 200

3. Can you play __ guitar? 300

4. I can’t play __ chess. 400


5. She goes to __ school everyday. 500


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Просмотров: 172

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