Грамматический справочный материал для 8 класса по теме "The verbs of obligation and ability"

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы

Grammar Exercises.

Modal Verbs – Модальныеглаголы.

MUST - долженствование

You must respect your parents – тыдолженуважать своих родителей

You must not go there – тебенельзяидтитуда.

Must I learn it by heart? Я должен это выучить наизусть?

Предположение ( должно быть )

It must be cold outside – должнобытьна улице холодно.


1.     Переведите на русский язык:

1)     Don`t worry, this is not important. – Not important? You must be joking. 2) He never comes to work late, he must have overslept today. 3) You must not argue with the boss. 4) She must stop eating much and she must lose weight. 5) You must stop smoking! If you don`t you are going to have serious problems with your health. 6) You must work hard at your English. 7) You must learn the words. 8) Must we learn the poem today? 9) It must be very difficult to learn Chinese. 10) You must not talk at the lesson. 11) Everybody must to come to school in time. 12) Don`t ring him up, he must be very busy. 13) You must not make notes in the books. 14) I must help my mother today.



Neednot – отсутствие необходимости ( можно не… )

Need? – надо?

Youneednotdoit – вы можете не делать этого.

NeedIdoit? Мне надо это сделать?


Ты не можешь делать этого – Youcannotdo it.

Ты можешь не делать этого – Youneednotdoit.

Обратите внимание

Youneednothavedoneit – Вы могли и не делать этого ( а сделали )


2.     Переведите на русский язык:


1)     You need not read so many books. You can not read so many books. 2) Nick need not go to school today. Nick cannot go to school today. 3) They need not translate this article. They cannot translate this article. 4) My sister need not write this letter because she is very busy. My sister cannot write this letter because she is busy. 5) She need not buy a bread. She cannot buy a bread. 6) He need not have stayed there for the night. He could not stay there for the night. 7) We need not have done all this work. We could not do all this work. 8) She need not have cooked such a big dinner. She could not cook such a big dinner. 9) They need not have written the composition. They could not write the composition. 10) I need not have gone to the library. I could not go to the library.

3.     Вставьте модальные глаголы – may, must, need:

1)     … I take this book for a little time? – I am sorry, but I … return it to the library at once. 2) Alex … practice this sound specially, but the other pupils … not, they all pronounce it properly. 3) They … come at any time they like between 10 and 12 in the morning, but they … not come if they don`t want to. 4) … we hand in our composition tomorrow? – No, you … not, you … hand it after Sunday. 5) … I help you with your coat? 6) You … park your car only in your own space in the back of the building. 7) You … have cancelled your trip to Canada.


В значении предположения

Must – должно быть

May – может быть

Might – может быть ( но маловероятно )

Can`t – не может быть


4.     Вставьтеглаголы – can, may, must, need:


1)     Peter … return the book to the library. 2) Why … not you understand it? It is so easy. 3) You … not have bought this meat – we have everything for dinner. 4) I … not go out today because it is too cold. 5) … I take your pen? 6) When … you come to see us? – I … come only on Saturday. 7) He … not drink alcohol when he drivers. 8) By the end of the week I … have finished writing my book. 9) Shall I write a letter to him? – No, you … not.

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