Грамматический Тест 7 класс

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Тесты

               Grammar Test Unit 21-22


I.Open the brackets:

1) I am not sure if he… (go) to the museum.

2)I shall ask him to buy bread, if he…(go) to the shop.

3)I don’t know if Granny…(bake) a cake.

4)I shall have lunch at home if Granny …(bake).

5) If the weather …(be) bad tomorrow, we (play) chess.

6) When he (come) home, he (telephone)you.

7)If I (be) free tomorrow, I (go) to the park.

8) If it (rain), I (stay) at home.

9. If he (be) late he (miss) the train.

10.) If he (take) a bus, he (arrive) at 9.30


II. Report the sentences:

1.     I wrote to you yesterday.(He)

2.     He is coughing now. (she)

3.     The doctor examined these patient  2 days ago.(He)

4.     I will recover tomorrow. (she)

5.     Where are they?(The children)

6.     Where were they last night? (The girl)

7.     Have you done the work? (The teacher)

8.     Did you play tennis?(Nick)

9.     Is he reading this book now? (She)

10.  It is hot here today (Nina)

III. Put reflexive pronouns:

1.I have made it ……

2.You can see…….

3.Children, look at…..

4. She made….

5.He played….

6.We made….

7. Tom  will sing…

8.All the people were enjoying….

             Grammar Test Unit 21-22


I.Open the brackets:

1. If he (take) a train, he (arrive) at 9.30

2. If he (be) late he (miss) the train

3. If it (rain), he  (stay) at home.

4. If I (be) free tomorrow, I (go) to the country.

5. When he (come) home, he (inform)you.

6. If the weather …(be) bad tomorrow, we (play) tag.

7. I shall have lunch at school if Mum …(bake).

8. I don’t know if Dad…(bake) a cake.

9. She will ask him to buy meat, if he…(go) to the shop.

10. I am not sure if he… (go) to his aunt.

II. Report the sentences:

1.It is cold here today (Nick)

2.Is she reading this newspaper now? (She)

3. Did you play chess?(Nick)

4. Have you done the work? (mother)

5. Where were they last night? (The boy)

6. Where are the children?(the girl)

7. I will come back tomorrow. (she)

8. The doctor examined these girls  2 days ago.(He)

9. She is coughing now. (The patient)

10. I wrote to him yesterday.(She)

III. Put reflexive pronouns:

1. We made…. ….

2.You can see…….

3.Boys, look at…..

4. She did….

5.He played….

6. All the people were playing…

7. Sam  will sing…

8. I have made it ……


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