How can you pelp people of disabilities.

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Презентации

How can you pelp people of disabilities.

Hello! My name is Max. I am a dog. I have four legs but my two back legs don’t work! So I use wheels. You can see my wheels in the photo.

I live with Pete. He has two legs. We are good friends. Every day Pete and I go to the park. Pete walks there. My front legs walk but my back legs roll.

My dog friends in the park say “Max, why do you have wheels?”

This makes me feel bad. I don’t want to tell my story every day. I want to play with my friends.

Other dogs in the park say “Look at the dog with the wheels!”

This makes me feel bad too. I want people to see ME not see my wheels.

Some people say “Aaaah, poor dog”.

But I am not sad, I enjoy my life.

Some dogs say “You can’t play ball with us. Dogs with wheels are friends with other dogs with wheels.” But I want to be friends with everybody.

Sometimes people don’t talk to me. They think that I am stupid or deaf because I have wheels. This is not true.

Pete loves me. He loves me because I am Max. We have fun together and I love him too.


wheels = to roll = to enjoy = to like doing something very much

stupid =

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