It is cold

Предмет: Начальные классы
Категория материала: Рабочие программы
122                                  1  сынып 1)Сабақтың тақырыбы:    It is cold.                                               2)Білімдік мақсат:  a) to practice be questions.                                  b)to teach short answer. 3)Ұйымдастыру кезеңі (5 минут)  What is your name ?  Where are you from?  How old are you?    Children must be answer 4)Lets warm up.   Sing a song ‘ ‘in a balloon’’    5)Checking the homework: ex   6)New words  :  bear-аю                               сold- суық                                hot - ыстық                                 up- жоғары                                 down-төмен                                big -үлкен                               small -кішкентай                                ball  -доп 7)Teacher :  Topic . Jess and Joanne are back in the balloon. It’s very cold, and it starts to snow . They  decide to go down, but Nick thinks he sees tow on the ground… 8) Following up activities: a) Presentation: Оқушыларға ағылшын алфавитін таныстырып, оны оларға қайталату. Алфавит әнін үйрету, айтқызу.  Sing and song. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P G R S T U V W X Y Z That the English alphabet! Look at the interactive board. Video about English alphabet. Sing and song alphabet. Мына әріптерді дәптерге жазғызып, жазылуын көрсету: Aa   Bb   Cc    Dd    Ee    Ff 9) Language         Are you cold? I’m very could. I’m not. Yes I am . Yes they are. Yes he is she is No he she isn’t Is he in a balloon car? very, cold ,snow, in , bear, dangerous, kick,  down, round, in. 9) where are they ?  Ex. 23  10 minutes This exercice prepares the children for Exercise 3. First , check that they know the words for the objects on the right in the picture. I will ask Where is Daniel ? and elicit He is in a balloon. The children then work in pairs to find out where the other people are .             Answers 1)Denial is in a balloon 2) Nadia is in a classroom 3) Sue is in a park 4) Maria is in a house 5) Sam is in a car 6) Stive is in a bus                                           Look at the pictures and find the answer . 10) Drow lines activity book pages 50 and 51                  10 minutes  1-hot                                      4- cold 2-small                                    5-small 3-up                                         6-down 11)  Sing a song .   Activity book ex.  2 and 3                   10 minutes 12) Give homework :   Ex.3 p. 51 Read and write.    
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