Job description 9 form

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы


The theme:Job description                                                                                  

The aims:                                                                                                                              

educational: to form pupils’ skills in monologue and dialogue speech, to get acquainted with some new vocabulary to the given theme                 

developing: to develop pupils’ abilities in reading, speaking and listening through talking about jobs                                                 bringing up: to teach pupils to respect other cultures, to broaden pupils’ minds, to bring up the feeling of international friendship                                                        

Methods of the lesson: interactive, communicative approach                         

Type of the lesson: introductory                                                               

 Equipment of the lesson: pictures, an interactive board                                           

Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment

II. Checking the home task                                                                                     

 Ex. 3, p. 189: to complete the sentences with Gerund                                         

1. painting                               2. closing                                                                                                             3. staying                                4. being                                                                                                               5. playing                                6. taking                                                                                                                7. lying                                    8. going                                                                                                                    9. laughing                              10. smoking 

III. Warm up                                                                                                            

Ex. 1, p. 139: to match the pictures and jobs                                                           

a. 1                   b. 10                                                                                                                      

 c. 4                   d. 3                                                                                                                          

 e. 2                   f. 12                                                                                                                    

 g. 7                   h. 8                                                                                                                       

i. 9                    j. 5                                                                                                                        

k. 11                 l. 6

IV. Listening                                                                                                          

Ex. 2, p. 142: to listen to the dialogue and complete the chart 


What does he/she to be?

What does he/she have to study?


He wants to be an international journalist.

He has to study 2 foreign languages English and Spanish.


He wants to be a lawyer.

He has to study Law of Kazakhstan and international Law


She wants to be a doctor.

She has to study biology and chemistry.


V.  Explanation of the new words                                                                         

an ambassador – посол, дипломат                                                                    

an interpreter – переводчик                                                                                   

a miner – шахтер                                                                                                        

 an accountant – бухгалтер                                                                            

a librarian – библиотекарь                                                                                   

a fireman – пожарный                                                                                         

a guide – гид, экскурсовод

VI. Speaking                                                                                                             

Ex. 3, p. 143: to say which jobs are done by men and which ones are done by women 

VII. Evaluating and explanation of the home task                                              

Ex. 6, p. 144: to read and translate the text                                                         

Ex. 7, p. 145: to make the lists of jobs using the professions given below



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