Конспект открытого урока : Professions (4 класс)

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Тема : Professions

Цель:    Систематизировать и обобщить имеющиеся у учащихся знания по  теме «профессии»;развивать навыки  диалогической речи, воспитывать интерес к изучению английского языка

Оснащение: УМК Spotlight, наглядность

                              Ход  урока

1 Организационный момент

Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you!
Good morning, good morning
I’m glad to see you!

Good, sit down please.

Well, let’s start our lesson today. Today we have a lot of work. The topic of our lesson « Professions».

2 Фонетическая разминка.

Look at the pictures. What are they? Let us look, read and repeat the words.

a doctor

a teacher

a writer

a vet

a singer

a model

an actoractress

a pilot

a reporter

a sportsman

a police officer

a farmer

Речевая зарядка.

Is it warm today?

Is it hot today?

Is it cold today?

Is it raining today?

What the weather like today?

3  Работа над темой

Task 1Now we are going to revise professions. Look at the pictures, please

This is a man. He is a doctor.

Answer my questions   What is he? Do you want to be a  doctor?  

Task 2 Let`s remember some poems

P1 I want to be a teacher
     And teach my children nice
     To read, to write, to listen
     And give them good advice.

P2  I want to be a doctor
      To keep the children strong
      And make their parents happy
      And let them all live long.

P3    I want to be a farmer
        On a big collective farm
        We do like bread and butter
        And to eat them gives no harm.


Well done, boys and girls. We have the time to rest. Stand up, please

Task 3 I`ll describe you every profession  in one or two sentences. Your task:  is to guess what profession it is  and to name the ptofession.

1 She sells apples in a shop……..

2 She brings food in a restaurant…..

3He works on his farm in the village…….

4 He helps you when you are ill……

5 He drives a car.  He drives a bus….

6 She sing songs……

7She dances well……….

Task 4  Match the words and the sentences(работа в парах)

A teacher

wears uniform.

A writer

looks after animals.

A doctor

helps people.

A vet (veterinarian)

plays sports.

A singer

flies a plane.

A model

works in a school.

An actoractress

writes books.

A pilot

sings song and play music.

A reporter

acts in playsfilms.

A sportsman

works on a farm.

A police officer

makes reports.

A farmer

wears wonderful clothes.


Task 5

Дети представляют домашнее задание(проект о профессии родителей)

4 Подведение итогов

Today we spoke much about the professions. Tell me please what profession is better.

What do  you want to be?

Учащиеся делают вывод.

- All professions are good

Our lesson has passed so quickly and it’s time to say that I liked your work. You’ve been very active. I hope this work will help you to choose an interesting job in future.



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