Конспект презентации по английскому языку "Технологии будущего"

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Future Technologies.

Slide number 1. Technologies of the future .

The future may be different, and there many ways , but neither one nor the other can be predicted . And yet some broad is possible to stroke, and progress leads to changes in the way of our communication , the volume of information with which we must deal , and perhaps even our natural abilities.

Slide number 2 . Enshtein

Every child knows something is not possible. But always there somebody whos know. He makes a discovery.

Future technologies cover all major areas of human life and the entire Earth .

New types of energy sources , new technologies in the construction and urban design are appeared evey moment : New types of transport , communication technology. Information and computer technology. Robots and artificial intelligence. Space technologies . Environmental technology. Medicine technology and many others . All of these technologies based on modern discoveries of scientists, engineers . Nanotechnology - designed to make a revolutionary step up in the field of science .

Slide number 3 . Robots .

IM Makarov , YI Topcheev "Robotics : History and Prospects"

"Modern robots, created on the basis of the latest achievements of science and technology , applied in all spheres of human activity . People got faithful assistant , able not only to perform dangerous work for human life , but also to free humanity from the monotonous routine operations. "

Types of robots :

• android ( humanoid robot)

• biorobot

• Industrial robot

• The transport robot

• Underwater Robot

• Household Robot

• Warbot

• Zoorobot

• Zverorobot

• Flying Robot

• microrobots

• Nanorobot

• Personal Robot

• Pedikulyator

• Robot Artist

• Robot toy

• The robot waiter

• The robot program

• The robot surgeon

• Robot - Guided Tours

• Social Robot

• Sharobot

Appearance and design of modern robots can be quite diverse. Currently in industrial production are widely used different robots whose appearance (technical and economic ) far from the "human" .

Industrial robots : The emergence of machine tools with numerical control (CNC ) has led to the creation of programmable manipulators for various operations of loading and unloading machines. The Appearance in the 70 -ies. Of microprocessor control systems and replacement of specialized controls for programmable controllers will reduce the cost of robots in three times , making them cost-effective mass adoption in the industry. Contributed to this objective prerequisites for the development of industrial production.

Despite their high cost , the number of industrial robots in countries with developed production is growing rapidly. The main reason for the mass robotics is: " Robots perform complex manufacturing operations for 24 hours a day . They manufactured products with a high quality. They ... do not get sick , do not need a lunch break and rest , do not strike , not demanding higher wages and pensions. Robots are not affected by ambient temperature or exposed to emissions of gases or corrosive substances dangerous to human life . "

Slide number 4 Mobile Gadgets .

Do you remember your first mobile phone ? Most likely, it was a gray box with a tiny black and white screen , which limitswas the possibility of calls and sending SMS- messages. But what then seemed a miracle of technology is a primitive device ! Now try to remember how much time has passed since . You hardly have counted more than 10 years . In just 10 years we have gone from the first primitive " tubes " to today's clever smartphone .

Accelerated development of technology - it's a fact . And it means that those wonderful gadgets that we now see will not be a fantastic ,they can come into our lives faster than we think.

Added Reality. Since the release of an inspirational video about Google Glass glasses concept of " wearable electronics " and " added reality "they became firmly associated with each other. Generally , we must pay tribute to the corporation : prototype miracle points from Google has become perhaps the most talked about gadget of last year. Thanks to Google, an added reality glasses now everyone knows.

Flexible screens. Handheld devices , by definition, does not need to be large and heavy. At the same time , we have become accustomed to the big screen ; planshetofony ( smart phones with a screen more than 5 inches) - one of the most notable trends in the market for mobile gadgets. So what do they mean analysts say that the wearable electronics can replace modern smartphones . In fact, we can not just wear the device on your body with a 5- inch screen . It is likely that this dilemma will make a new invention - flexible displays .

Wireless data transmission. This feature seems to have itself means: all the gadgets of the future must easily and naturally synchronized with each other. For example, "smart" watch from Apple will be synchronized with other devices on iOS; on the clock display will broadcast information about incoming calls , incoming messages and new emails.

Alternative source of energy. If we are really waiting for wearable electronics boom , a reasonable question arises - how long all these miracle - gadgets can operate without recharging ? If we do so we will actively use the "smart" glasses and other gadgets , manufacturers must be very careful that these devices , without which we are sure will feel like without hands , do not disconnect at the most inopportune moment.

Slide number 5. Smart home.

"Smart house" often means a complex and expensive system of remote control lights, heating and other systems , but now it had become much wider. There are "smart" building materials , applications for the iPhone, which allow you to turn off electrical appliances at a distance ( in case you forget to turn off the iron from the socket) , and robots that can do the cleaning for you . Look At Me figured out what technologies and materials change our home in the future.

Mobile applications. There are more low-cost devices for controlling household utilities , which can be controlled by the application for the iPhone. For example , the thermostat Nest, designed by a former employee of Apple, worth to just $ 249 and predictable technique reminiscent of Apple. Thermostat helps to save energy ( heating it off when no one is home ) and using mobile applications can be controlled temperature regime in the distance.

Also , there are many devices that allow you to change the lighting in the house with the help of the application, and the company has even developed Phillips bulbs controlled with mobile devices - they are called Philips Hue. Another interesting development - WeMo. It allows you to control the phone with all electrical appliances in the house. With the application on your phone , you can even open locks : for this device exists August Smart Lock, created by the famous designer Yves BEAR. The lock is installed on a special device that detects the mobile phone owner. You can also send encrypted electronic key to their friends and relatives or to provide them with access to certain times.

Robots assistants. If the robot cleaners Roomba more like no surprise , then robotic assistants that can be cleaned or even care for the elderly, have not yet become part of our everyday life. While there is no such smart ( and affordable ) robots , like in the movie " Robot and Frank ," but already developed such assistants , such as , Hector - this robot resembles an elderly owner of the need to drink any medicine , take a walk , or call.

If you care for the elderly do not want to trust all the robots that perform some household chores they still can provide. Software company has already established Roomba vacuum cleaner , for example, the robot Mint, who washes the floor, and the robot Mirra, who knows how to clean your pool . Also in this year's CES consumer electronics was presented robot Winbot, which he cleans the windows .

Household appliances and social networks. Sometimes the connection to the internet everyday items seems quite justified - for example, on the screen of the refrigerator to look for recipes is more convenient than going to the kitchen with the tablet . However, the developers Samsung went on: at CES 2013 was presented refrigerator T9000 c operating system Android, the screen which you can not only search for recipes , but view Google calendar, write notes in Evernote, listen to music and send tweets . However, some are not limited Twitter- fridge. For example , a California blogger and expert in the field of technology Tom Coates sozdalTwitter - account for their home. Coates is the co-founder of Product Club and supports the idea of " Internet of Things " - he believes that the connection to the web more art can make everyday life much easier .

Slide number 6. Nanotechnology.

The practical aspect of nanotechnology involves the production of devices and their components required for creating, processing and manipulation of atoms , molecules and nanoparticles . It is understood that not necessarily object must have at least one linear dimension less than 100 nm - be it micro-objects , atomic structure is controllably created with a resolution at the level of individual atoms or as containing a nano-objects . In a broader sense, the term also covers diagnostic techniques of characterization and studies of such objects.

Nanoparticles. The recent trend towards miniaturization has shown that the substance may have a completely new properties , if you take a very small part of the substance. Particles ranging in size from 1 to 100 nanometers usually called " nanoparticles" . For example, it was found that nanoparticles of some materials have very good catalytic and adsorption properties . Other optical materials show surprising properties, such as ultra-thin film of organic material used for manufacturing solar panels. These batteries , although possess relatively low quantum efficiency , but are cheaper and can be mechanically flexible. Possible to achieve the interaction of engineered nanoparticles with natural objects nanoscale - proteins, nucleic acids , etc. Thoroughly cleaned nanoparticles can samovystraivatsya in certain structures . This structure contains a strictly ordered nanoparticles and also often exhibit unusual properties .

Nanomaterial . Materials developed based on nanoparticles with unique characteristics arising from the microscopic size of their components .

• Carbon Nanotubes - elongated cylindrical structures with a diameter from one to several tens nanometers and a length of several centimeters, consisting of one or more rolled-up graphite hexagonal planes ( graphene ) and terminating generally hemispherical head .

• Fullerenes - molecular compounds belonging to the class of carbon allotropes ( other - diamond carbine igrafit ) and representing the closed convex polyhedra composed of an even number of carbon atoms tricoordinated .

• Graphene - a monolayer of carbon atoms, obtained in October 2004 at the University of Manchester (The University Of Manchester). Graphene can be used as detector molecules (NO2), which allows to detect the arrival and departure of single molecules . Charge carriers in graphene have high mobility at room temperature , whereby a solution to the problem of formation of the band gap in graphene is a semimetal promising material , replacing silicon in integrated circuits .

• Nanocrystals

• Aerogel

• Airbrush

• Nanoakkumulyatory - in early 2005, Altair Nanotechnologies ( USA) announced the creation of инновационногонанотехнологического electrode material of lithium-ion batteries. Batteries with Li4Ti5O12 electrodes are charging time 10-15 minutes. In February 2006, the company began producing batteries at its plant vIndiane . In March 2006 Altairnano and Boshart Engineering Company signed an agreement on joint sozdaniielektromobilya . In May 2006, successfully completed testing of automotive nanoakkumulyatorov . In July 2006, Altair Nanotechnologies received its first order to supply lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles.

• Self-cleaning surfaces based on the lotus effect .

Slide number 7. Future

According to one theory, the future is not predetermined , and people are able to do it. According to another theory , the future is predetermined . It is also possible that people will create the future, but their decisions and actions to the creation of the future predetermined. As part of the cyclic model of time ( the universe) is repeated in the future that has already happened in the past .

Anyone can create the future. And who knows what will it be?

( Send pictures)

Perhaps these (1 ), or such (2 ) is possible even in such ( 3).


But if at the corners of the human mind will not remain a single droplet of kindness (4) that our future world is doomed .

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