Конспект урока на тему “Аbai, a great Kazakh poet”

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Form:  8th

 The  theme: “Аbai, a great Kazakh  poet”

The  aims  of  the  lesson:

1.     Upbringing :to  bring  up  pupils` be  polite and  responsibility, to love  English, to  educate  the  respect  and interest  in  Abai`s  compositions

2.     Educational:to  introduce  pupils` new  words  on  the  theme, to  revise  the  grammar  material, discussion about  the biography of  the  poet

3.     Development: to  develop  pupils` critical  thinking , logical  speech, reading  and speaking  skills,to  enrich  pupils` knowledge in  literature

Theme of  the  lesson: mixed  lesson

Method of  teaching: individual, pair  and  group  work, question-answer, brainstorming

Interaction: Literature, music

Visual aids:  interactive  board, slides, cards, a portrait of  Abai  Kunanbaiv


Procedure  of  the  lesson :

I. Organization  moment


b)Making  the  absentees

c)Talk  with  the  pupil  on  duty


II. Checking up the  homework


III. Introduction of  the new  lesson


-Dear children! Look at the screen. Look at the portrait attentively .Answer the questions.

-Who can see in this picture ?

-What is  Abai Kunanbaev ?

-What is  Abai Kunanbaev famous for ?

When and where was he born ?

-What poems written by Abai do you know ?


Creation work

Abai Kunanbaev


    a composer                                                                                    a  thinker               

                                        a writer                                             a philosopher        

                                                        a translator           a poet


IV. New words and expressions

masterpiece – үлгілішығарма

good-natured- кішіпейіл

tales and legends – ертегілерменаңыздар

settlement – елдіжер

story-teller – ертегіші

very strict – өтеқатал


V. Practice

·        Match the words

musician  — музыкант

to learn Russian – орыстілінүйрену

poetry – өлең

many foreign languages – көптегеншетелтілдері

to be proud  of – мақтантұту


·        Complete the chart  (Блумтаксономиясыбойынша )



What is A.Kunanbaev famous for ?


What and where was he born ?


Why has been Abai translated the words into many foreing languages ?


Abai is in our life(to write short essay)


Do  you read Abai`s poem ?(to write short essay )


Teacher :How well do you know Abai`s poem ?Give me equivalents in three languages .

1.’’Broad-shouldered, white-coated, powdered with snow.

Blind and dumb, with the great big silvery beard…”. (Қыс)

2.”The clouds are grey and gloomy boding rain,

An autumn mist envelops the bare earth…”(  Күз)

3.”The first snow falls, the blood –sport calls

Then hunters mount  and ride .

The eagle`s master knows the place…”(Қансонардабүркітшішығадыаңға).


VI. Giving the homework: to write a report  “Аbai, a great Kazakh  poet”

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