Конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс)

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Конспект урока

Т.Н. Дадочкина

МБОУ СОШ №72 г.Хабаровск

Класс 6

Тема урока: Наши домашние любимцы

Цель урока: развивать навыки работы в группах, активизируя употребление лексики в речи; обучение монологической речи (рассказ о домашнем животном); тренировка навыков орфографии и письма.

 Задачи урока: изучить лексику по данной теме;

                             научиться использовать лексические единицы в построении

                             собственных высказываний по данному вопросу;

                              развитие навыков орфографии

Учебные пособия: картинки животных; презентация учителя; карточки для речевой разминки

Виды деятельности на уроке: индивидуальная работа; работа в «группах»

Возможные проблемы: Возможно учащиеся будут затрудняться в использовании вводных фраз при формировании собственных высказываний. Во избежание такой проблемы в классе имеются карточки с актуальными вводными фразами.

Ход урока

1 Организационный момент

Hello, boysandgirls! I’m glad to see you! How are you? Take your seat, please!

Let’s begin our lesson. Today we shall talk about our pets.

2 Речевая разминка

Let’s start our lesson, but first of all answer my questions!

What is the day today? What is the weather like today? Do you like animals? Have you got a pet at home?  Can animals be our friends?

3 Фонетическая разминка

Now let’s practice the English sounds.  I shall show you the symbols of the English sounds and the task for you is to pronounce this sound and name some words with it on the topic «Animals in our life».( первыйслайдпрезентации)

Thank you. Well done. Let’s remember our poem about the pussy cat. Will you recite it all together? Listen to me, please.

       I love little pussy,

       Her coat is so warm,

       And if I don’t hurt her

       She’ll do me no harm.

        So I’ll not pull her tail,

        Not drive her away

        But pussy and I

        Very gently will play,

        She shall sit by my side,

        And I’ll give her some food

        And pussy will love me

Because I am good.


1 Активизация лексики

Let’s play an interesting game. It is called « What is missing? ».You can see some cards on the blackboard. How many cards can you see? (Nine cards) Can you read the words? (cage, insect, endangered, to fight, to save, society, animal, watchdog, zoological) Try to remember the words. Now close your eyes. Open your eyes. What is missing? You are right. It is the word «society»

       2 Тренировкаорфографическихнавыков

We have learnt a lot of words on the topic «Animal in our life» But can you write them? Look at the blackboard and find the mistakes in the following words. Then write down the words in your exercise books. (второйслайдпрезентации)

       3 Актуализация навыков письма по теме «Животные в нашей жизни»

Do you like to watch cartoons? Look at the pictures on page 110 and read the task of exercise 23. Now you will work in groups of four and create your own film about animals.

       4 Физкультминуткa

You are very hardworking students.  Let’s relax a little bit. Stand up and repeat after me.

After a bath I try, try, try.

To wipe myself till I dry, dry, dry.

I wipe my hands and fingers and toes

And two wet legs and a little shiny nose.

Just think how much less time I’d take

If I was  a dog and could shake, shake, shake.

      5 Обучение монологической речи

OK! We have relaxed! And now it’s time to make up the stories about your pets. You can see some questions on the blackboard. Let’s answer them all together. Divide into pairs and listen to each other. (третийслайдпрезентации).

What pet have you got?

What colour is your pet?

Is your pet big or little?

What can your pet do?

What does your pet eat and drink?

What characteristics of your pet can you name?

Who looks after your pet?

Do you like your pet and why?

     6 Презентация по теме « Мой домашний питомец»

I think it’s very interesting to listen to your stories about pets. You will go to the blackboard one by one and tell us about your pets. Then we shall choose the most interesting story.

5 Заключительнаячасть

1 Домашнеезадание.Open your diaries and write down your home task, please. P. 51 ex. 15,16.(work book)

2 Рефлексия Children, tell me please. Did you like the lesson? What did you enjoy most? What have you leant?  Are you tied? How do you feel?

3 Оценивание. Thank you very much. You worked hard today. And now I’m going to announce your marks.


4 The lesson is over. See you again!

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