Конспект урока "What do we know about Australia?" (6 класс)

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

What do we know about Australia?

Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной компетентности обучающихся на основе страноведческого материала об Австралии.
Задачи урока: ознакомление обучающихся с текстом о географических особенностях Австралии;
-отработка навыков чтения, говорения, письма при выполнении упражнений к тексту;
-формирование навыков работы в группе.

Ход урока.

I Оргмомент
-Good morning, children! I`m glad to meet you all.
- Today we are going to talk about an unusual country. Ancient people called it “Terra Australis
 Incognita” or” the Unknown Southern Land”. Can you guess the name of the country? Yes, you are right! It is Australia.(слайд 1)
Сообщениецелейизадачурока:So, at this lesson we will… (слайд 2)

II Основнаячасть
But first let`s learn to pronounce some useful words. Look at the proper names on your sheets of paper. Repeat them after me, please.(Student`s Book,ex.19,p.286)
That was great! Thank you!

Quiz. Let`s check what do you know about Australia. Answer the questions of the quiz. (слайды 3-9)
Excellent! It`s good that you already know some facts about Australia. It will help you during this lesson.

Now it`s time for team work. Please look at your desks. You all have got sheets of  paper with the text “The Unknown Southern Land”. And both teams have some sheets with the tasks.(слайд 10)
Please, look at the task A. What`s written there? Right! Answer the questions. There are three of them for each team.
Task B is to correct the statements. That means that you must say “True”, “False” or “Don`t know” if you can`t find the information in the text. The text is the key to all these tasks.
Task C is o look at the map and find the answer there. You have maps in your texts and on the screen(слайд 11)
In task D you have to speak about an Australian city. Use the cards to build sentences.

Have you understood everything? Good children! Now please choose the task you will do. All tasks must be done by the team. You have 5 minutes for it. On we go!

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