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1.American have been celebrating Day since 1620
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1At Christmas people often place a small fir at home and decorate it with candles, lights and coloured balls.
2The Piligrims’ ship “the Mayflower” left a port on the south coast of England, and made her way towards America.
3 To get to America the Pilgrims had to cross the Ocean.
4People in Russia call this enternmaint with the Japanese word “ ” – when they sing popular songs to the accompaniment of the recorded music.
5People of different countries consider the main holiday of a year.
6Neil can be called the greatest traveler of the Earth. Ye is the fisrt man who set foot on the Moon, 1969.
7The helped the Pilgrim survive in America.
8When people have a formal suits. They often prefer clothes.
9People usually have a formal dress to wear for special
10 At Christmas time people buy a lot of for their families and friends.