Лексико - грамматический тест 6 класс

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Тесты

I.Выбери правильный вариант существительного во множественном числе.

1. a month - months, monthes, month.

2. a woman - woman, women, womanes.

3. a present - presentes, presenties, presents.

4. a child - childs, children, childrens.

5. a wolf - wolfs, wolfes, wolves.

6. a bench - benchs, benches, benchies.

7. a class - classes, classs.

8. an Englishman - Englishmans,  Englishmen, Englishmens.

II. Вставь, где необходимо, артикли a/an или the:

I have ... doll. It is ... old doll. ... doll is nice and big. It has ... orange and black dress on. ... dress is made of ... silk. I think it is ... best doll in the world. 

III. Выбери нужную форму глагола: 

1. Tom ... books on history.

a. like  b.likes  c.liked  d. is liking

2. Look at the man! He ... German now.

a.speak  b.speaks  c.has spoken  d.is speaking

3. Next summer the Greens ... to the seaside again.

a.go  b.goes  c.went  d.will go

4. Mike reads a lot. He ... a good library at home.

a.has  b.have  c.had

5. There ... a picture on the wall.

a.am  b.are  c.is

6. ... you got any brothers or sisters?

a.had  b.have  c.has

7. Yesterday my friends ... football after scholl.

a.play  b.played  c.are playing  d.have played

8. I can't find my book, someone ... it.

a.took  b.has taken  c.takes  d.take

9. The children ... in the garden now.

a.pllayed  b.are playing  c.have played

10. When she came home, her mother ... dinner.

a.cooks  b.cooked  c.was cooking

IV. Задайте 5 вопросов к предложению:

She speaks English very well.

V. Напишите 3 формы неправильных глаголов:

to be -             to have - 

to make -         to read - 

to do -             to know -

to see -            to write - 

to go -              to come - 


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