Лескико-грамматический тест на тему Noun

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Категория материала: Тесты

round the table playing draughts. Draughts their

favourite game. They like to play in the evenings.

A the Holley's, were, are, it B Holleys, was, are, them C the Holleys', were, is, it D Holleys's, was, is, them

2. When he was going through a narrow passage between

two , he heard , These were his neighbours,

two girls.

A merrys-go-round, laugh, twenty-years old B merry-go-rounds, a laugh, twenty-year old C merry-goes-round, laughter, twenty-years old D merry-goes-rounds, a laughter, twenty-year old

3. They decided to open a season. Though it was a fash­
ionable party and the walls were decorated with _

and _ , the majority of the guests wearing jeans

and T-shirts.

A lilies-of-the-valley, forget-me-nots, were B lily-of-the-valleys, forget-me-nots, were C lilies-of-the-valley, forgets-me-not, was

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