Lesson 7 Unit 8 по УМК Happy English.ru Кауфман Кауфман 7 класс

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Презентации
Презентация на урок 7 раздел 8 on a lake called chad. Повторение  образования степеней прилагательных . анализ стихотворения Николая  Гумилева ¨С помощью суффикса -al можно образовать прилагательные от существительных. Например: tradition — traditional The poem «Giraffe» was written in 1908 for another very famous poet, Anna Akhmatova. Gumilyov had been in love with her since they met in 1903 and wanted to marry Anna. But she didn't love him and always said «no». Gumilyov couldn't live without her ----- he tried to commit suicide (совершить самоубийство). Finally, in 1910, Akhmatova agreed to marry him, but their marriage wasn't a happy one. Soon after they got married, Gumilyov left his young wife and went to Africa. It was his first trip to Africa and he had a chance to see the places that he had described in his poem «Giraffe». 
Тип материала: Презентация Power Point (ppt)
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