Материалы к уроку FOOD 8 класс

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты


·        A questionnaire chart.

Fill in the following chart, working in groups of 3-4 students. Start asking each other questions in turn.

For example: do you like (eat, have)…for breakfast? (see table)

The leader of each group is to describe this chart after filling it in.

For example: Helen likes tea, toasts and porridge for breakfast, but she dislikes cocoa, cakes and marmalade.

Reading for fun and pleasure:



Mother: Kate, if you meet a very dirty girl in the street and she gives you a slice of bread, will you take it?

Kate: No.

M: But why?

K: Because there is no jam on it.


Teacher: Bob, why don’t you wash your face? I can see what you had for breakfast this morning.

Bob: What was that?

T: Eggs.

B: No, sir, that was yesterday.

·        Reading and thinking skills.

In pairs read the following proverbs and sayings and match them with their Russian equivalent.

1)    A hungry man is an angry man.

2)    To lengthen your life, lessen your meals.

3)    The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

4)    Before you choose a real friend, eat a bushel of salt with him.

a)     Чтобы продлить свою жизнь, нужно уменьшить еду.

b)    Путь к сердцу мужчины лежит через его желудок.

c)     Прежде чем выбрать настоящего товарища, съешь с ним пуд соли.

d)    Голодный человек – злой человек.

Think of situations where you can use the above proverbs and sayings.

*Out-of-class activities:

·        Act out the above jokes with your partner.

·        Write a letter to your pen friend about your family meals – likes, dislikes, traditions.

The name of your partners










































To lengthen – удлинить;

To lessen – сократить;

A stomach – желудок;

A bushel of salt – пудсоли.


Introducing Preset Simple

Preset Simple is used for actions, which take place in present in the uncertain period of time.

Key-words: always, often, usually, periodically, from time to time, seldom, sometimes, never.


+ she, he, it, + Vs(es)

? auxiliary verbs

                     do – (I, you, we, they)


                     does – (he, she, it)             


--   don’t – (I, you, we, they)        


      doesn’t – (he, she, it)               

e.g. The English usually have tea at 5 p.m.

- Do you like bacon and eggs for supper?

- My mom doesn’t drink coffee at dinner.



The Earl of Sandwich lived in the XVIII century. He liked playing cards for money. He often played all day all night. Once he played for 24 hours without stopping. Servants brought him food – meat and bread. He put meat between two slices of bread. So he could play cards and eat at the same time. From the name or that man the word sandwich came.

Practicing grammar skills

I.                   Make up sentences out of the following words, placing them in the correct order.

a)     Supper, likes, with, family, a)

Cheese, My, for, spaghetti.

b)    Day, 8, drink, The, a,            b)

English, times, tea, usually.

c)     Dinner, eat, for, We,            c)

Soup, vegetable.

NB! The first word is written with the capital letter.

Translate the above sentences into your native language.

II.                 Make up 5 question and ask your partner about his meals, using Present Simple.

1.     Do you eat marmalade at supper?

2.     …

3.     …

4.     …

5.     …

6.     …

It’s interesting to know.

English Christmas Traditional Food.

On Christmas (“X-mas”) Day (which is celebrated on December, 25) a roast turkey is traditionally cooked for dinner. It’s always followed by Christmas pudding with stewed fruits.

III.              Make up a short report about your partner’s lekes and dislikes. Speak about it in class.

·        Out-of-class activities:

Study the rule (Present Simple) and write down 6 sentences of your own with this tense.

Thinking and writing skills.

Active lexis:

Healthy – здоровый;

Food – еда;

A vitamin – витамин;

Sugar – сахар;

Pork – свинина;

Lamb – баранина;

Beef– говядина;

Useful – полезный;

Protein – протеин;

Yogurt – йогурт;

A hugrocarbon – углевод.

How much do you know about healthy and useful food?

Help your friend to keep to a healthy diet by choosing the right food. Fill in this chart placing different kinds of food in the right column.

Food, which he should eat a little

Food, which he should eat a lot

Food, which he shouldn’t eat





Your own project:

Arrange class in 3 groups and make up the ideal (healthy) menu for a) breakfast; b) dinner; c) supper.

Give your project all necessary comments.

Mind the difference!

NB! Food – еда;

Meal – принятие пищи, например завтрак, обед, ужин.

It’s interesting to know!

The word “vitamin” came from Latin “vite”, which means “life”.

Memory test.

Read these poems for 1 minute, then cover them and recite by heart. The winner is the group which can reproduce it without mistakes.

Group I. Some tea. Two little boys, Johnny and Sam sit down to have some tea with jam.

Group II. I like. I like coffee, I like tea. I like apples on that tree.


I.                   Pre-Reading task

Think and answer:

a)     Do you know the motherland of tea?

b)    Is drinking tea useful, harmful for our health? Why?

c)     Is tea popular in our country?

II.                 Read the text, guess the meaning of the underlined words and word combinations and translate them into Russian


Many years ago tea was unknown in Europe, but drinking tae was very popular in the East. Once an English sailor came back from India and presented his mother a box of tea. He had a nice tradition to bring unusual thing from far away countries. His mother knew nothing about tea, but she liked the smell.

One Sunday she invited her friends and treated them to cakes, fruits and tea lives. They were with butter and salt. Her guests pretended they liked it, but it wasn’t tasty. The sailor asked: “Mother, where is tea?” His mother answered: “It’s on the table”. His son smiled and asked again: “But where’s the water?”

“I boiled it and threw the water away, of course.”

!Consult the dictionary:


The East

A sailor

To treat guests to…

To boil water

A smell (to smell)

To pretend

To throw away


NB! A present – подарок.

III.              Post-reading activities

Choose the correct variant and circle it.

1)    Where was tea unknown many years ago?

a)     In China;

b)    In India;

c)     In Europe.

2)    Who brought his mother box of tea lives?

a)     Friend;

b)    Son;

c)     Brother.

3)    Whom did the sailor see around the dinner table?

a)     Mother’s friend;

b)    Her parents;

c)     Her children.

4)    What were they eating?

a)     Meat and potatoes;

b)    Tea-lives;

c)     Porridge with fruits.

5)    What did mother do with the boiled water?

a)     She threw it away;

b)    She left in the kitchen;

c)     She poured it into the guests’ cups.

It’s interesting to know!

The Chinese were the first people in the word to grow tea. They started doing it more than 2000 years ago.

IV.              Thinking skills.

Think of the main idea of the story above and express it in a few sentences. Is this story true to fact or an invented one? Why? Express your own attitude to it (your likes or dislikes)?

Start likes this.

This story is about…

The main idea is…

I find it…, because…

I think it’s true to fact (an invented story), because…

I like it, because…

I dislike it, because…

Words and expressions to be remembered!

True to fact – правдивый;

Invented – изобретенный;

To express an attitude – выразитьотношение;

Boring – скучный;

Funny – забавный;

Interesting – интересный;

To my mind – намойвзгляд

In my opinion.

Optional information:

Tasty Reading! Enjoy the following national British recipe and try it!

Apple crumble:

Ingredients: ½ Kg apples, 2-3 cloves, 200 g flour, 150 g butter, 100 g sugar.

Method: Place flour in a bowl and cut butter in small pieces. Rub the butter in the flour with sugar. Peel and slice apples and put them in a frying-pan with chopped nuts, raisins and clovers. Put the flour mixture over the top. Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Serve hot or cold with jam.

Good Appetite!!!

Your project:

Now it’s your turn to write your favorite or national recipe. Try to cook the dish and treat your partners in class.

Good luck!

New lexis:

Clove – гвоздика;

Abowl – глубокая тарелка, миска;

Topeel – очистить от корки;

To chop – измельчить;

Raisins – изюм;

To bake – печь.


NB! So many people, so many tastes. Tastesdiffer. – О вкусах не спорят.

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