“Music keeps me happy”

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты
Form: 9 The aims: Educational aim:   To enrich pupil’s knowledge concerning the theme Developing aim:    To develop pupils abilities in speech. Up-bringing aim:  To bring up the feeling of love to music.   Teaching methods: Question-answer, listening, demonstration, guess the crossword. The visual aids: computers, screen, presentation.   The procedure of the lesson: I. Organization moment: -Good morning dear students! -Good morning teacher! -How are you? -We are well; we wish the same to you! Report of the pupil on the duty.   II. Checking up the homework. - Your home task was Ex.12 p.50  Past Perfect  Passive.                                                                                                                      - Project work. At home you had to prepare some information about your favourite singer, didn`t you? Now let`s listen to you. Who wants to begin?
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Количество скачиваний: 8
Просмотров: 82

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