My great grandfather was a beekeeper. His apiary was on the bank of the Volga. My great-grandmother was a housewife. She was a good singer and she could play the balalaika. Agrippina Pavlovna grew up three children: two sons and a daughter. My grandfather

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Презентации
My Great-grandparents worked  as sellers. Our  Great-grandfather was a good carpenter. As a young woman in the rear during the Great patriotic War the  great-grandmother worked at the powder plant in Buinsk and before the  retirement she worked as a milkmaid. Olga Ivanovna educated  three children: two daughters and a son. My grandmother Anna  was the middle of them. Her birthplace is Buinsk..My grandfather worked as a tractor driver and a foreman. In retirement he worked at school in the boiler room. All his life he  had lived in а  village. Our Great-grandmother was a good housewife. She  baked bread. My grandparents grew up five children: three sons and two daughters. My grandfather Ivan  was the oldest. His native village is Russian Shugan in Muslyumovsky district.
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Просмотров: 82

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