Открытый урок на тему: The Kingdom of English Numbers

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы

Койгельдина Бакытгүл Жумагалиевна учитель английского языка Семипалатинского государственого колледжа им. М.О.Ауезова

Outline of the lesson

Form: 3 “А”


The theme of the lesson:The Kingdom of English Numbers

The aim of the lesson: Introduction to speech vocabulary. Children need to repeat the numbers. By the end of the lesson the pupils should know correct writing and pronunciation, reading of the ordinal numbers. The pupils will be able to speak fluently on the topic " Myfavourite number".

The objectives of the lesson:

Educational: Use lexical and grammatical skills in the preparation of the dialogues. Use numbers in speech.

Up-bringing:Promote the development of students’ interest in the subject studied.

Developing: Activate language skills at the level of information about numbers. Develop phonemic hearing, psychological functions associated with speech activity.To develop working in group, in role play, enrich the vocabulary of the pupils.

Communicative: Implement the ability to use information and communication tecnologies in the classroom. Asking and talking about numbers.

The form of the lesson:

The type of the lesson:

Methods of the lesson: Exercises, demonstration, question and answers, pair work, group work.

Inter subject connection:Kazakh, maths

Visual aids:Posters,pictures, cards, diagrams, slide, activity board.

Literature: 1. Textbook by form 3 class

2. ШеттіліноқытуәдістемесіАмандыкова 2011

3. Bilimdiler.kz

4. pwpt.ru

The plan of the lesson:

I. Organization

1. Greeting

2. Divided into groups and submit here.

II. Practice

1. “ Think and play”

2. “ Find if you intelligent”

3. “ Magic chest”

III. Conclusion

1. Announce the results of the competition

2. Rewarding

The procedure of the lesson

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