Открытый урок по английскому в 10 классе на тему

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы

Intellectual game.

  Good day, dear guests! We are glad to see you at our intellectual game  

Before beginning our competition we will introduce you our juries.


First of all, you must introduce yourself shortly.

Now let’s start our game!


The first level is “Baiga”. Each participant is asked 6 questions. He must answer them quickly during one minute. For the right answer – 2 points

1-      Participant

1.      How many letters are in the English ABC? (26)

2.      The capital of England (London)

3.      Name the twelfth letter of the English ABC (Ll)

4.      Translate the proverb “Честность – лучшая политика”(Honesty is the best policy)

5.      The president of The USA? (Baraak Obama)

6.      What holiday is celebrated in the 31 of October (Haloowen)

2-      participant

1.      The biggest airport of Britain

2.      Name of the England Queen’s

3.      Name the 6th letter of English ABC

4.      Traditional English drink

5.      Name two biggest Universities of Great Britain

6.      Translatetheproverb “В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше”

3-      participant

  1. Give the full name of the Great Britain
  2. Great Britain is consists of 3 parts. Name them
  3. The traditional vegetable on Halloween
  4. How many States has the  USA?
  5. Name the 10th letter of English ABC
  6. Translatetheproverb “Не все золото, что блестит”

4-      participant

  1. The symbol of the England
  2. Name the famous clock in London
  3. The official residence of the Queen
  4. Name the 12th letter of English ABC
  5. The river in London
  6. Translate the proverb “Лучше поздно, чем никогда

5-      participant

  1. The symbol of the Scotland
  2. Where does the British Government sits?
  3. Name the 9th letter of English ABC
  4. What colour are the telephone and bus in London?
  5. Traditional food on New Year
  6. Translate the proverb: “Век живи, век учись”

6-      participant

  1. The symbol of the Wales
  2. A lot of famous people were buried there
  3. Name the 8th  letter of English ABC
  4. What holiday is celebrated on 31th of  July?
  5. Name the parts of the United Kingdo

II - level

Each participant is asked questions.

The point of questions is given. If the participant cannot answer the questions, the next player will answer it.







10 – Why did Robinson Crusoe call his friend as “Friday”?

20 - He was English. He was born in 1564. He was a writer  and actor

30 - Author of this fairy – tale is famous writer  Lewis Carrel (1832- 1898). The fairy tale is about

 a girl, who falls down a rabbit hole into a fantasy world  populated by peculiar

40 - Who is the most famous woman – writer of detective stories?

50 - Who is the author of books about Harry Potter?




10 - What is the second breakfast of the British?

20 - What do the children hang at the end of the bed during Christmas night? Why?

30 - The favourite topic of British people when they meet

40 - The favourite hobby of English

50 - When the hour strikes 12 o’clock owner of the family opens the door widely and keeps it for a certain minute. Why?




10 - Name the comparative degree of adjective “interesting”

20 - The auxiliary verb of the Past Simple

30 - Translatethesentence: “Официальным языком РК является казахский”

40 - What Tense is it? “shall have been inviting”

50 - What type of Conditional Sentence is it?  If I had learned English before, I could have found a good job long ago


Now, dear students! We just have finished the second level. Let’s count your scores. Only one student who has high score will continue our game. Dear juries, can you tell us the scores of participants?



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