Открытый урок по англ.яз. на тему "Inventions and inventors"

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Ход занятия


Этапы урока и деятельность преподавателя

Время (мин.)

Деятельность учащихся


Организационный момент и приветствие:

-Good afternoon, students! I’m glad to see you. Hope you are Ok today. So, let’s begin. First of all, let me know who is on duty today?

-Thank you. Now, look at the screen and guess what the theme is today.

-That's right. Today we shall get the information and talk about inventors and their inventions. Listen to the text for details. Besides, we’ll revise and practice Simple Past Tense. And you’ll get to know about Active and Passive Voice.



Дежурный сдает рапорт.

Формулировка цели урока.

(слайд №1,2)


Речевая зарядка. Вопросно-ответная беседа по теме «Изобретения в нашей жизни».

-Nowadays we have a lot of modern inventions at home and at school. Can you name some of them?

(What do you use for watching films? What do you use for calling somebody? What do you use for taking photos? What is the most useful thing for you? etc.)

Ex.: TV-set, phone, camera, refrigerator, microwave oven, interactive board and so on


Отвечают фронтально.


Аудирование и выполнение упражнения на понимание прослушанного.

-Listen to the text of modern appliances and match their numbers with the name of appliances given below.


Соотносят изобретения с номером говорящего



Введение лексики по теме:

-Well done! Now, I give you the sheets of paper with new words for you according to the theme. Your task is to match your English equivalents with those on the screen. Look through your words and be ready to answer. You can write the meaning on your sheets.

-To invent, to produce, to launch, a mixture, to test, to discover, to develop, to create, to improve, to pioneer, to patent, to perfect, cordless.


Пытаются догадаться о значении английских слов и записывают их к себе на листок

(слайд №4)


Чтение с детальным пониманием содержания

-Do you know anything about these famous people?

-I think it will be interesting for you to get some information about these inventors.

-I’ll give you 2 different texts about 2 famous inventors. I’d like you to read and guess who the texts are about. While reading you have one more task: put all the verbs in brackets into their Past form. (worksheet №1)

-Now you can check yourselves.


Читают тексты, ставя глаголы в прошедшем времени, и догадываются о ком текст

(слайд 5)

(слайд 6)


Now, let’s revise Past Simple and turn to Passive Voice.


(слайды №7,8,9)


Динамическая пауза

-Now you can stand up and move a little.

There are stickers with words on the walls, you have to gather them and make up sentences.

1) Edison invented an electric light bulb.

2) A helicopter was invented by Sikorsky.

3) Korolyov invented the first satellite (спутник).

4) A telephone was invented by A.Bell.


Собирают стикеры со словами и составляют предложения

(слайд №10)


Грамматическое упражнение

-Change the sentences in passive voice:


Преобразоватьпредложения в пассивный залог

(слайд №11)


Подведение итогов, рефлексия

-What did we do on the lesson?

-Today we have learned some facts about famous inventors (we can call them Great Minds) and their inventions.

-Learned new grammar rule about Passive Voice.

-Was it interesting for you?



Объяснение задания на самоподготовку

-At home you are to make a project about your own invention. That is you should imagine that you are The Great Minds and think over your own invention and present it to the class. Is it clear? So, which field of science would you choose for your project?

-Your marks today are… Thank you for the lesson. I liked you very much. See you.


(слайд 12)

(слайд 13)

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