Открытый урок по теме "British Isles" 7 класс

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Цели –

Образовательная – знать 1)правило как верно употреблять артикли с   географическими названиями, 2) географическое расположение Великобритании

Уметь - верно использовать артикли с географическими названиями,

            - принять участие в диалоге по теме - Географическое расположение  Великобритании

Развивающая -  развивать речевые, грамматические и лексические умения учащихся

Воспитательная – воспитывать познавательный интерес, расширять кругозор

Валеологическая – соблюдать нормы санитарного и физического состояния ребенка

Наглядность – учебник, словарь, карта мира, карта Великобритании, презентации

                     Ход урока

1.     Организационный момент. Приветствие. Подготовка к уроку.

Good afternoon.

How are you today?  Fine.  Let’s start our lesson.

We are going to start a new theme today – Geographic position of the British Isles & new grammar- Articles with Geographic names.

      2.Let’s review new words on the topic - Geographic position of the British Isles

           a. listen, repeat & memorize the words

            New words

United – соединенный

Kingdom –  королевство

British Isles – британскиеострова

Islands –острова

north-westcoast –северо-западное


continent –континент

issituated  -располагается

north-eastern – северо- восточный

afewwords – несколько слов

describe – описывать

between – между

mountains – горы

Highlands – высокогорье

Lowlands – низменности

Hills – холмы

is called – называется

river – река

the deepest- самая глубокая

 lake Loch Ness – озеро Лох Несс

story – история, рассказ

climate - климат

b. work  in pairs – check the knowledge of the words.

c. Now, give marks to your knowledge of the words.

3. a. Listen to the text and guess the right answers.  ( +slide presentation)

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The UK

The British Isles are a group of islands lying off the north-west coast of the continent of Europe. The largest islands are Great Britain and Ireland.

England, Wales and Scotland are in Great Britain. Northern Ireland is situated in the north-eastern part of Ireland. England is in the southern and central part of Great Britain. Scotland is in the north of the island, and Wales is in the west.

To the north of  Great Britain is the North Sea. The Irish Sea is between Great Britain and Ireland.

There are no high mountains on these islands. Ben Nevis in Scotland, the highest peak, is 1,343 meters high. The highest peak in Wales is Snowdon. It is 1,085 meters high. The Northern part of Scotland is called the Highlands, the southern part is called the Lowlands. There are green hills and low mountains in Ireland.

London is the capital of England, as well as the capital of the UK. It is over 2,000 years old.  The capital of Wales is Cardiff. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland.

b. choose the right answers.

1.  The largest islands are ……………..

a. Great Britain and Ireland

b. Malta and  Madagascar

2.  England is in ……………

a. the northern part of Great Britain

b. the southern and central part of Great Britain

3. To the north of  Great Britain is ……………

a. the North Sea

b. the Black Sea

4. The highest peaks are …………..

a. Snowdon

b. Ben Nevis

c. Now, give marks to your understanding. ( keys to the listening – card)



4.Grammar -  Articles with Geographic names.


a.Read the text - The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and find articles with Geographic names.  Try to make the rule – when and which articles we should use with Geographic names.                    

b. Give NOTE – cards with the rule.                      


Определенный артикль - THE - употребляется с названиями

1. Океанов  - oceans – the Atlantic, the Indian, the Pacific

2. Рек  -rivers   -  the Thames, the Severn, the Uba

3. Озёр –  lakes  - the Loch Ness, the Balhash, the Zaisan

4. Стран –  countries – the United Kingdom of Great Britain  and Northern Ireland, the UK

5. Сторонсвета – the North, the South, the West, the East

6. Группамиостровов – The British Isles, the Caribbean

7. Горнымицепями –  the Altai, the Tibet, the Highlands

Артикль не употребляется с

1.     Стран – countries -  England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Northern Ireland

2.     Названиямигородов- cities – towns-  London, Ridder, Cardiff, Belfast, Edinburgh

3.     Горнымивершинами- peaks-  Snowdon,  Ben Nevis, Beluha, Everest

4.     Однимостровом -  Malta,  Ireland, Great Britain

 c. Now, give marks to your understanding.

5. Physical exercises.  Singing Flowers.

Stand up. Hands up. Shake your hands.

 Hands down. Shake your hands.

Shake your heads. Hands on hips.

Hands down. Sit down.

6.Articles   + practice.

a.fill in the articles.

1. Fill in the articles – the, a, an, -

1.     ……….United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

2.     …….British Isles are a group of islands lying off ……north-west coast of the continent of ……. Europe.

3.     The largest islands are ………Great Britain and……. Ireland.

4.     …….England, ……Wales and …..Scotland are in …..Great Britain.

5.     To …… north of  Great Britain is …… North Sea.

2. Fill in the articles – the, a, an, -

     1. …..Irish Sea is between ……Great Britain and…… Ireland.

     2. The highest mountain in ……Wales is ……Snowdon.

     3 …….Severn is the longest river.

     4. …….Thames is the deepest river.

     5. The  capital of  ……Wales is …….Cardiff.

b. Key. Check your cards  & give marks to your work.

1.     1.the     2.the,the, --      3.---,---      4.----,----,----,----      5. ---, ---

2.     1. The, ---,---     2. ---, ---     3.the       4.the            5. ---,  ---

7.Map – practice.

a. Match the countries and the capitals with numbers and letters

1       Scotland

2       Northern Ireland

3       England

4       Wales

a.                                                        Belfast

b.                                                       London

c.                                                        Cardiff

d.                                                       Edinburgh 

b.answers – check your cards   & give marks to your work.




8. Poetry – minute.       Robert Burns. My Heart in the Highlands.

9.Match the questions & the answers about Geographic position of the British Isles.

a.Match the questions & the answers. Work in pairs.

Match questions  and answers.

1.What is the name of the country?

2. What are the names of the largest islands?

3. Are  England, Wales and Scotland in Great Britain?

4.Where is Northern Ireland situated?

5.Where is the Irish sea?

6. Is the North Sea to the north of  Great Britain?

7. Are there high mountains on these islands?

8.What are the names of the highest mountains?

9.Where is lake Loch Ness?

10.What is the capital of the UK?

      a.The largest islands are Great Britain and Ireland.

b.The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

c.The Irish Sea is between Great Britain and Ireland.

d.Yes, they are. England, Wales and Scotland are in Great Britain.

e.Yes, it is. To the north of  Great Britain is the North Sea.

f.London is the capital of the UK.

g. A very famous lake Loch Ness is in the north of Scotland.

h.No, there are not. There are no high mountains on these islands.

i.They are Ben Nevis in Scotland and Snowdon in Wales.

j.Northern Ireland is situated in the north-eastern part of Ireland.

KEY 1 – b, 2- a, 3- d, 4- j, 5- c, 6 – e, 7 – h, 8 – i, 9 – g, 10 – f.

b. check your answers   & give marks to your work.

c. read the questions & the answers in pairs.

10. Home task – Learn the dialogue  about Geographic position of the British Isles.

11.Give marks & comment them.




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