Открытый урок по теме "Еда" 6 "А" класс. (2015 год)
Предмет: | Иностранные языки |
Категория материала: | Презентации |
Автор: |
Названова Людмила Анатольевна
Подготовила: Названова Л. А.
I. Организационный момент, знакомство с классом
T: Good morning, dear girls and boys!
St: Good morning, we are glad to see you!
T: I am glad to see you, too! Let me introduce myself. My name is Людмила Анатольевна. I’m a teacher of English. There are guests in our lesson today, let’s say “Good morning” to them.
St: Good morning, we are glad to see you!
T: Well, sit down, please. We start our work.
II. Фонетическаязарядка
T: - Let’s remember the English sounds. Listen to me carefully and find the words with sounds [i:] [æ] [i]. Show me cards with sounds.
• Tea – [ti:]
• Chicken - ['ʧɪkɪn]
• Carrot - ['kærət]
• Sweet – [swi:t]
• Biscuit ['bɪskɪt]
• Apple [æpl]
T: - Well done! I see you know sounds well.
Мы с вами повторили звуки.
III. Речеваяразминка
T: And now listen to me and try to complete some sentences using necessary words. (Учительдемонстрируетправильныйответы, используя презентацию)
Вкуснотища – Verygood! Пищу называют – food.
Это вовсе не каприз, сыр мы называем – cheese.
Мясо жарится, шкварчит, мясо по-английски – meat.
Масло нужно всем ребятам. Масло по-английски – butter.
Без соли борщ не лезет в рот. Соль по-английски – просто salt.
Ведро воды не принесете? Вода, водичка будет – water.
Мы вспомнили слова, которые вы уже знаете. (На доску слова)
T: - Welldone! And now answer some questions about food.
1. What do you like to eat?
2. What do you like to drink?
3. What do you usually have for breakfast?
T: - Thank you.
IV. Знакомствостемойурока.
T. And now can you guess what the subject of our today’s lesson is? It is “Favourite dishes of our relatives”.
So, today we’re going to talk about different eating habits, tastes and preferences in food. We’ll learn some new information on the topic and do different activities. So, please be active, don’t be afraid of speaking!
V. Знакомствосстрановедческойинформацией. Аудированиесполнымпониманием.
T: Now you are going to listen to the text about things British people like to eat. After listening you should answer the questions. Look at them and read to yourself.
Well, listen.
The usual meals in England are:
• Breakfast - between seven and nine in the morning.
• Lunch - between midday and two.
• Afternoon tea – between three and five o’clock.
• Dinner (or supper) - between six and eight in the evening.
На доску
BBreakfast Lunch Afternoon tea
Traditionally, people in Britain have enjoyed a hot meal for breakfast, featuring eggs, bacon, and sausage, accompanied by toast and tea or coffee.
Today, the traditional breakfast is replaced by simple foods mainly eaten cold: fruit, yogurt, cereal with cold milk, and toast with butter, jam or marmalade.
Many people eat lunch while at work or school.
A packed lunch normally consists of some sandwiches, a packet of crisps, an apple and a can of something to drink, for example, coca-cola. The lunch is kept in a plastic container and you take it with you.
Tea is very popular; it is the national drink. The English like it strong and fresh made. Tea means two things. It is a drink and a meal.
Traditionally, tea is served with various sandwiches, scones, cakes and pastries.
Dinner – the evening meal – is the biggest and the main meal of the day. It begins with soup.
The most typical thing to eat for dinner is "meat and two different boiled vegetables". One of the vegetables is almost always potatoes.
T: Well. Let’sanswerthequestions.
ПО ходу ответов – листы с продуктами на завтрак, обед, чай, ланч на доску.
1. How many times a day do British people eat?
St: - 4 times.
2. What are the mealtimes called?
St: - Breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner.
3. What do British people eat for breakfast?
St: - Hot meal (eggs, bacon and sausage), simple cold foods (fruit, yogurt, cereal with milk, toast with butter, jam or marmalade).
4. What is the most common lunch in Britain?
St: - Sandwiches, crisps, apples and a coca-cola.
5. What tea do British people like?
St: - They like strong and fresh made tea with sandwiches, scones, cakes and pastries.
6. What do British people eat for dinner?
St: - Soup, meat and vegetables.
T: - Thanks. You are very clever.
Вот основные блюда, которые англичане предпочитают на завтрак, ланч, обед и к чаю.
VI. Музыкальная пауза с физкультминуткой.
T: - Children, are you tired. Let’s have a rest and do exercises. Stand up, please. Repeat after this funny chicken.
T: - Very good! Sit down, please.
Сели, глазки закрыли-открыли, спинки выпрямили, продолжаем работать.
VII. Работапоучебнику. Совершенствование навыков чтения вслух.
T: - I think it would be interesting to you to know about one of the most popular British dishes - sandwich. Let’s read the text ex 34p.133 and find out what sorts of sandwiches we have and how to make them.
T: - Who wants to read the text? …….., please.
T: - Thank you. And now find out
· what sorts of sandwiches we have
· how to make them.
T: - Very good!
Классификация бутербродов
Обратите внимание на произношение слова «сандвич».
T: - And now we are going to read how to make an “Egg and Spring Onion” sandwich. Let’s do ex. 37 p.134. You should put the instructions for making the sandwich in the right order.
T: - Well, let’s read and translate the recipe.
What’s the first? …….. What to do after that?
T: - Thanks. You are very clever. You have made a very tasty sandwich.
Вот у нас и получился очень вкусный сандвич.
На доску - сандвич с яйцом и луком.
VIII. Совершенствование навыков монологической речи.
T: - And now I have a special task for you. You need to say about favourite sandwiches of your relatives for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You have 1 minute to prepare your answer.
T: - Well, who wants to tell us about your relatives’ taste.
T: - Welldone!
Я вижу, что в ваших семьях тоже любят сандвичи.
IX. Творческое задание. Развитие навыков письменной речи. Работа в парах.
T: - Now we have one more task. You should work in pairs. Each pair should write the recipe of your favourite dish. Don’t forget to write in the recipe the name of the dish, the ingredients and instructions. You have 3 minutes to do this task.
T: - Time is over.
Листочки положите на край стола, оценки за эту работу вы узнаете на следующем уроке.
X. Итоги урока.
Тип материала: | Презентация Power Point (ppt) |
Размер: | 2.34 Mb |
Количество скачиваний: | 9 |