Пданирование урока английского языка для 3 класса «Lesson planning sheet»

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы

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Lesson planning sheet.

Form:3  “a”

Theme of the lesson: What are you wearing?


1. Introducing and practicing new vocabulary.(clothes)

2. Developing reading and listening skills.

3. The children must listen to a short story and answer the questions.

To review gr. themes: Present Continuous.

-OK. Lets start our lesson. All of you come to the board and choose the smile you like.(When the children have finished, I divide the class into three groups.) (the first group) (the second group) (the third group)

- Look at your smiles. If you havethis smile, go to the first group. If you have this one, come to the second group. And if you have the third smile, go to the last group.( Pupils find their sits and get ready for the lesson)

III. Revision and checking up the home task. (to learn new words) 3-4 min.

- Ok. Very good. First of all lets review our last themes. Look at the board, your task is to find the missing letters. (Pupils write the missing letters then translate their sentences one by one from each group.)

Gre_n mo_th Fo_r sh_ps Th_ t_ger is dr_nk_ngBla_k ha_r A l_ng r_ver Th_ c_mels _re Ru_ningThr_e c_ts A b_g fl_wer Th_ sn_ke is dan_ing

You are charming. Thank yo

IV. Presentation.15-17min.

"Task 1: Say in one word.

- Just now look at the board and tell me what can you see on this picture?(I show them different kinds of clothes)

- Can you say all of these in a one word? (They must find the theme of our lesson)

- Clothes.

- Fine. You are write.

- All of you open your books at page34 and look at the pictures for a minute by themselves. I tell the children they are going to listen to the story on the CD. After listening to the story I read it slowly and clearly to the children, stopping after each speech bubble and check the words as I go along. Then we translate our new words.(I don forget about clothes we use only in plural form)

- Lets check up if youcan find the translation of our new words

"Task 2: Find the name of the clothes.

- A thing which has a pair is usedonly in plural form. As you see.Alices wardrobe.Denzils wardrobe.

Children put the girls clothes into the Alices wardrobe and the boys clothes into the Denzils one.

"Task 3: Describe the picture. 

When the children can say the clothes confidently, I show them the photos with children wearing any items in the new vocabulary list, thenaskthemWhat is the boy wearing? What is the girl wearing? (and of course for each group I give different photos)

Then I compare the following questions and their answers.

- Are you wearing jeans?

- What are you wearing?

- Yes, I am. / No, I am not.

- I am wearing trousers.

And I tell them about differences of these questions. That general question needs the short answer and the special question needs the full answer. 

V. Practice. 8-9 min.

"Task 4: Answer the questions.

(orally).The first group.1. Are you wearing a dress? -…………2. What are you wearing? -…………The second group.1. Is he wearing trousers? -……….2. What is he wearing? -……….The third group.1. Are they wearing shorts? -………..2. What are they wearing? -……......

"Task 5: Ex.3 p.36 Choose and circle.(in written form)

1.Hes wearing shorts / pyjamas / boots.2.Shes wearing a T-shirt / a skirt / a dress.3.Hes wearing trainers / boots / jeans.4.She is wearing a coat / a hat / a jacket.Play the game.- Ask and answer about your friends. I tell the children they are going to play a game. I invite a child from each group to the front of the class, and other pupils ask then answer the question about each other.Example: -Whats she wearing? –Shes wearing trainers, socks…

VI. Production.8-9 min.

"Task 6: to work with posters.

I give three posters to the groups. And the name of their creative works: “ A modern boy”, “A beautiful girl”, Gentleman”.Pupils paint the ideal person as they see them and present their work to the class. Example: This boy is wearing a red T-shirt…A beautiful girl. Gentleman. A modern boy.

- Thank you my dear young friends! Your works are splendid!

VII. Conclusion.2 min.

And now I want you take your smiles and write your feeling and your own opinion abouttodays lesson. I think you like todays lesson, thank you very much!

VIII. Rounding up.2min.

Home task: Activity Book Ex.1,2 new wordsMarking…

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