План: If I were a millionaire Level: 9

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы

Date: 26,27.11.14                                                                        Level:  9

The theme of the lesson

 If I were a millionaire


1. Giving a large information about Conditional sentences;  to enrich the students` vocabulary and developing the creative and logical thinking

Upbringing students for punctuality and neatness. Teaching  for skills working in groups.


Talking about unreal and improbable situations

Teaching results

Students  can speak about  unreal and improbable situations .

Main ideas

Live and learn


Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


2 minutes

Greeting .Make up a dialogue.

Divide the class into three groups.

Students will divide into two groups: 1.2.3




10 minutes

 Presentation: Conditionals express; 1. reality 2. unreality 3. regret
Іскеасатынісәрекет ,Іскеаспаған, ісәрекетөкініш, І. Conditional reality
If + present tenses will + V; If I study hard I will know English well. Егерменжақсыоқысам, ағылшынтілінжақсыбілетінболамын. II. Conditional unreality; If + past tenses would + V
If knew English well I would travel around the world.
Егерменағылшынтілінжақсыбілсем, дүниеижүзіліксаяхатжасағанболатынедім

Pupils write Ex: 2p.66 Ex 2 p 115





            Checking the homework.

        Let’s check your homework? What was your home task for today?  Lear the new words and to write an essay about your school and to                                                                                                                                                                  make cluster. 

Students will  sit on the Hot sitting answer the questions


Blackboard,  Students book, copybook



        Reading: Work with group: A, B    

Ex 5 p 117 Read about Bolat how he describes his life and dream.
Bolat,  His dream

Bolat`s life and his dream.Describe his dream.(screen picture).

The next exercise is 6 on p118 for asking and answering questions about Bolat.

Example: he/live/in a small flat? Would he live in a small flat?No, he wouldn`t. He would live in a big house


Students book, copybook


Cc    Work with poster: Group work



Pupils discuss their topics

Markers, books, posters, pictures




   Ex: 9 p 118 Talk to your partner.

If my father became a millionaire we …
If you had a chance to study you go?
a. Which country would you go?
b. What subjects would you study?
c. What things would you have to do before you leave?
d. What things would you need to take with you?
e. What kind of things would you have to buy?

Speaking: Ex 9

Student’s book

3 minute.

 Home task:
Your homework is Ex: 10.11 To write an essay “If I were…..”
 Conclusion: Your marks of the lesson. The lesson is over! Good bye!


Students will say their wishes to each other. Evaluation of students by their activities at the lesson.

Home work: to read

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