План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 10 классе на тему "Друзья"

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Тема: «Friends»
Цель: развивать речевые умения и навыки учащихся
• совершенствование навыков устной речи по теме,
• совершенствование навыков работы в группах,
• организация контроля умений и навыков устной речи учащихся по теме
Оборудование: Тесты, карточки, презентация

Ход урока:

Приветствие: Good morning, children.
- Good morning, teacher.
Организационный момент:
Who is on duty today?
- We are on duty today.
Who is absent?
- All are present.
What date is it today?
- Today is …
What day is it today?
- Today is Monday.
Thank you. Our topic for today is “Friends”
By the way, do you have a lot of friends?
- (Ответы учащихся)
Thank you. I believe you’ll tell me more about your friends after we learn a short poem. Please, listen and then repeat.

Фонетическая зарядка:

I had a box of crayons,
All shiny, straight and new.
I lent a friend one crayon,
And--oops--it broke in two!
My friend said she was sorry,
But I said "I don't care, 'cause now we both
can color with one crayon--we can share!"

Let's try to translate the poem:

У меня была коробка цветных карандашей,
Вся сияющая, прямая и новая.
Я одолжил ее другу карандаш
Упс! Он развалился на две части!
Подруга извинилась, сказала: «Очень жаль»,
Но я ответила: «Все в порядке, теперь у нас их два
Один цвет и два карандаша – мы можем поднлиться
Ведь мы с тобой друзья!»

Please, translate it at home properly.
You can change it a bit.

Речевая разминка: Well done! Now answer my questions, please.
Наve you got a friend?
Is he a true friend?
Do you trust him/her?
- (Ответы учащихся)

Проверка домашнего задания: That’s great! Let’s check your home task! Open your books, please.
Ex. 22, p. 20

Введение новой лексики по теме: It’s time to look at the board on our presentation
Here are some rules how to make friends:
Let’s read them. Who wants to begin?
- (Ответы учащихся)

How to make friends?
to put somebody down – унижать кого-либо
perfect – идеальный, совершенный
understanding – понимающий
selfish – эгоистичный
perfection – совершенство
to expect – ожидать
cheerful – бодрый, веселый
boring – скучный
to make a mistake – совершать ошибку
now and then – иногда, время от времени
to laugh – смеяться
to give as well as to take – как давать, так и брать
relationship – отношения
to be choosy – быть разборчивым

Закрепление новой лексики:
As for me the word “friendship” means feelings and behaviour that exist between friends, but what these feelings are and what the behaviour is, one should decide for himself. So what does friendship mean for you? No ideas? O.K. Let’s read the poem:

Friends are people who share,(делиться)
Friends are people who care.(заботиться)
They try to understand.(понимать)
They give a helping hand.(помогать)
Look once more at the poem and then at the screen. Now say what friendship means. Friendship means … (caring of each other, helping to each other).

But it is very difficult to make friends. I would like you to read some rules how to make friends.

So, let’s summarize everything we’ve learnt today. Take the cards, please.
Read them and write your own rules, please.

- To have a friend… be a friend!
- Remember the Golden Rule of Freindship…
Treat others as you’d like to be treated!
- Somewhere out there, a friendship is waiting to start!

Ann, please, read your rules how to make friends.
- I think that you must be ... to make really good friends.

- What about you, Murat. What are your rules.
- My rules are as following. To be really food friends with somebody you should ...
That is really wonderfdul. And the last answer.
Kate, please. Tell us your point of view.
- It goes without saying, I haven't got a lot of friends, though I do my best to have a hundred of friends, but as my mother says...
Thank you very much. It way really amazing!
Pass me your copy-books, please. I want to correct your mistakes if you have any.
- Here you are.
Thank you.

Подведение итогов урока: The lesson was really very interesting. I'm glad that you worked hard. Your marks for the lesson are…
- Thank you, teacher.

Домашнее задание: Today you can choose what to do. You can write your special recipe for friendship or to read the text about friendship or write a letter to your friend who is angry with you about something and ask him or her to firgive you. You can imagine such a situation. I suppose, you'll do your best to fulfill the task.

Завершение урока: Have you got any questions?
- No, thank you. Everything is clear.

Then the lesson is over, Good-bye, dear children.
- Good-bye, teacher.

Составила: Учитель английского языка КГУ «Специализированная кадетская школа» Смагулова Актолкын Оразалыкызы.

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Количество скачиваний: 46
Просмотров: 176

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