План урока английского языка. «Времена года. Погода»
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Паишева Виктория Юрьевна
Здесь была ссылка на работу План урока английского языка. «Времена года. Погода» автора Паишева Виктория Юрьевна.
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Задачи:развивать навыки монологической речи и диалогической речи;развивать навыки чтения, лексические и грамматические навыки;расширять словарный запас и кругозор учащихся;воспитывать у учащихся познавательный интерес к окружающему миру, любовь к природе.Оборудование урока:картинки с изображением времен года;аудиозапись песни «World Weather»; карточки с пословицами;карточки с «World Puzzles»;карточки с текстом «Seasons»; таблица с вопросами.План урока:1. Организация урока.2. Фонетико-речевая разминка.а) аудирование и фонетическая отработка пословиц по теме;б) ответить на вопросы по таблице «Under the Sun».3. Подготовительная тренировочная работа для «reproduction» комбинированных диалогов; найти слова по теме «Weather» в «Word Puzzles».4. Воспроизведение комбинированных диалогов по ролям в парах.5. Песенка «World Weather».6. Повторение временных форм глагола:а) какие вы учили времена?б) аудирование минитекстов и определение временных форм глагола;в) выполнение грамматического текста.7. Физкультминутка.8. Повторение лексики по теме «Seasons»:а) найти слова по теме «Word Puzzle»;б) закончить предложения.9. Аудирование минитекстов по теме «Seasons» и заполнение таблицы.10. Чтение текста «Seasons» и выполнение заданий по тексту.11. Подведение итогов урока с комментарием оценок учащихся.12. Задание на дом: подготовить сообщение по теме «Seasons». T: Read the proverbs and give the Russian equivalents.Everything is good in its season. A tree is known by its fruit. After rain comes fair weather. Rain at seven— fine at eleven. April showers bring May flowers. Sow the wind and reap the storm.Under the sun. Seasons1. How many days has a year got?2.How many days has a leap year got?3.How often does a leap year come?4.How many seasons are there in a year?5.What are they?6.What season is the coldest?7. What season is the hottest?8. What season brings the first flowers?9.What season is «tasty»?10.How many months make a year?11. What are the names of the months?12. What month is the shortest?13.What is white and falls on the ground?14.What man cannot live inside the house?15. What is without hands and without feet, without neck and head, but can open a door?16.A little old woman with 12 children: some short, some long, some cold, some warm? What is it?Translate into English and Reproduce(1) – Привет! Восхитительный день, не так ли?– Hi! Oh, yes, just wonderful nice and warm. What's the weather forecast for tomorrow?– Будет ясно и солнечно.– How nice. Bye-bye.– До свидания.(2) – Hello!– Привет!– It's a dull morning, isn't it?– Да, боюсь, будет плохая погода.– What a pity!(3) – Hello!– Привет! Рад тебя видеть. Сегодня очень холодно, не так ли?– Yes, I think we're in for a long cold winter.(4) – Как жарко! И нет ветра!– Yes! I think we're going to have a thunderstorm.– Замечательно. Дождь освежает воздух.– You are right.(5) – Привет!– Hello!– Ненастная погода, не так ли?– It's terrible weather we're having.– Да, идет дождь и довольно холодно.Let's speak about the weather.Read the dialogues and act them out.(1) – Hi! Lovely day, isn't it?– Hi! Oh, yes, just wonderful nice and warm. What's the weather forecast for tomorrow.– It says it will be bright and sunny.– How nice. Bye-bye.– Goodbye.(2) – Hello!– Hello!– It's a dull morning, isn't it?– Yes, I'm afraid we're in for bad weather.– What a pity!(3) – Hello!– Hello! Glad to see you. It's very cold today, isn't it?– Yes, I think we're in for a long cold winter.(4) – How hot it is! And there's no wind at all.– Yes! I think we're going to have a thunderstorm.– Oh, that's fine. The rain will cool the air.– You are right.(5) – Hello!– Hello!– It's a nasty morning, isn't it?– It's terrible weather we're having.– Yes, it's raining and it's rather cold.Word PuzzlesI. Find the weather words.cold day snow month windy snowball bright sledge sunny ground white lovely night rainy grass fine children warm street frosty long short weather forecast garden green park nasty dull nice П. Join the pals to make 10 words.CalenTumnSunLy SeaTerAuBer WinDarApDay SumSonOctoGust AuMerJuRilII. What are the words?1. Snowflakes fall in...2. Flowers grow in...3. Leaves turn brown in...4. New leaves grow on trees in,5. Trees are green in...6. Leaves fall in...7. Flowers don't grow in...Auding. «Seasons»Spring: This is the seasonWhen snowdrops bloom When nobody likes To be in his room This is the season When birds make their nests This is the season We all like best.Summer: This is the seasonWhen nights are short And children have plenty Of fun and sport Boating, swimming All the day Will a merry song On a sunny day.Autumn: This is the seasonWhen fruit is sweet This is the season When school friends meet When noisy and gay And browned by the sun When their books and bags To school they run.Winter: This is the seasonWhen mornings are dark And birds do not sing In forest and park This is the season When children ski And Grand Father Frost Brings the New Year Tree.