План урока по английскому языку Welcome to Canada.

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы


Theme:Welcome to Canada.

Aims of the lesson :To introduce children with country Canada.

Educational:to use any/somein your answer.

Developing:To enrich knowledge and vocabulary

Brining up:to respect to the culture and customs of another country

Equipment of the lesson:students book,workbook,pen,chalk,pictures,board.

The procedure of the lesson

I.Organization moment

a)Teacher: Good afternoon,dear children!

Children: Good afternoon teacher.

Teacher:How are you?

Children:I am fine.

Teacher:I am glad to see you! Lets start our lesson.Take your places.

b)Teacher:What date is it today?

Children:Today is the 4th of March.

Teacher:What day is it today?

Children:Today is Wednesday.

Teacher:What season is it now?

Children:Spring is it now.

Teacher:What spring months do you know?

Children: I know such spring months as March,April,May.

Teacher:What is the weather like today?

Children:Today is (cold,warm,sunny,windy)…

Teacher:Is it warm or cold today?

Children:Today is cold.

Teacher:Does the sun shinebrightly?

Children:Yes,sun is shine brightly.

II.Warming up.

Teacher: Children look at the picture.

Do you like my picture? Children answer my questions.

What is the capital of Canada?

What is the nation sport in Canada?

Do you know the biggest waterfall in Canada?

What do you know about Canada?

What do these pictures link? Do you know Link? Who can translate?


III.Phonetic drill

a)Teacher:Children look at the active board and lets read the tongue twister.

Do you like tongue twister?

Children: Yes,l like tongue twister.

Teacher: And now listen to me.

Swan swam over the sea,

Swim, swan, swim!

Swan swam back again

Well swum, swan!

Who wants to read?

Children: I want to read.

Teacher:Lets read all together.

b) Teacher: Children look at the board and listen to me and answer my question.

Are there any flowers in your classroom?

This is question and you shoulduse any/somein your answer.

Who can answer?

The next question?

Are there any toys on the table?

So please now lets work with card.I will give you cards but you should answer the question.Your time is 4 min.

1.Is there any a can ofcola in the fridge?- Yes……

2.Are there any olives in the fridge?-No…….

3.Is there any salt on the table?-Yes….

4.Is there any sugar in the cupboard?-No….

5.Are there any biscuit in the fridge?-Yes….

Teacher: Children look here your time is over.Please give me.

IV.Checking up homework.

  1. Teacher:So please now,lets check our homework.Are you ready?

Children: Yes we are ready.

Teacher: Open your W/B. Ex 4at page 59

Madi read the task.

Madi: Circle the correct answer .

Teacher:….read the first sentences.

He/She is right?Is it right?Have you got any question?

  1. And now,children look at the active board and you see some words.You should put this words into 2 columns:Countable and uncountable



V.The new theme of the lesson

Teacher:Children look at the board.This is new words. Listen to me and repeat all together.

The inuit-





Blocks of ice-глыбы льда.(кусочки льда)







Teacher:And now lets translate this words.Open your dictionary and find this words. Once more read all together.

Open your books,ex 1 letter B.

Read the task.Read sentence by sentence and put the right words and translate them.


Teacher:Children answer my questions.


Did you like this lesson?

Was this lesson interesting?

I hope the lesson was interesting and useful for you/

VIII.Home task

Children .please open your dairiesand write down your home task.Your home task isW/B Ex 1,2,3 p 60

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