Планирование на тему my fantasy island

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы

The theme of the lesson: My fantasy Island.

                                      There are/ there is құрылымы.

The aims of the lesson:

  1. Educational: to revise new theme, by taking new words, to be able to work individual.

  2. Practical: to develop thinking, speaking, reading and writing skills.

  3. Cultural: to be friendly in group.

Methods: writing and explain group work.

Type: Practice lesson

Visual aids: book, pictures.

Connection: Kazakh, Geography


                            The content of the lesson

I.Organization moment.

a) Greeting pupils.

-Good afternoon pupils!

-How are you?

b) A talk about on duty

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent today?


One – your head,

Two – your arms.

Three – your hands,

Four – your legs.

Five – your feet.

III. Check  up the homework.

What was your homework for today?

IV. New theme              There are/there is құрылымы.

Ағылшын тілінде бір заттың бар екендігін сипаттау үшін «There is, there are»тіркестері қолданылады. Екі тіркестің де мағынасы бір, тек жекеше және көпше түрдегі формалары. Заттың бар екендігін айтқанда ол затың біреуге тиесілі екендігін айтпайды.

Мыс: There is an apple in garden. There are two windows in the room.                   

Reading the text.

This is fantasy island. I’d like dream about it.

Answer the question.

a)what does Asel dream about?

b)what do you think of Asel’s island?




Revising of new words

Mountain -  тау                                                                      north- солтүстік

Beach – теңіз жағасы                                                            west – батыс

Forest –орман                                                                        east - шығыс

Island –  аралsouth – оңтүстік

River –өзен dream – арман

V. Giving the homework

Your homework is Project work “My fantasy island”

VI. Giving marks

VII. The End of the lesson.


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