Подготовка к ЕНТ - лексико-грамматические тесты

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Тесты

Лексико- грамматический тест по иностранному языку

1. Put in the verbs in the correct form.

1. Yesterday Linda (give) the interview to the youth magazine.

2. Mike (not, get up) at six o’clock.

3. They (read) this book yesterday evening.

4. He (do) his homework tomorrow.

5. She (visit) her Granny every week.

6. Mary (speak) English and French.

7. My parents (watch) TV now.

8. We (not, going) to play football this evening.

2. Use Present Progressive.

1. Where is Mum? - She (to cook).

2. Listen! The girl (to sing) a song.

3. They (to watch) a detective film.

4. What you (to read) at the moment?

5. I (no to write) a letter now.

6. Bob (to sleep) now?

3. Use Present Simple or Present Progressive and open the brackets.

1. They (to play) tennis now.

2. They (to play) tennis every day.

3. Where is Jane? - She (to read) a new book in her room.

4. Sam usually (to read) magazines in the evening.

5. I (to write) a letter to my sister now.

6. I (to write) a letter to my Granny once a month.

4. Put in the missing words

Close sociable humour get on hobby card typical intelligent naughty computer

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