Подготовка к ЕНТ - тесты "Инфинитив"

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Тесты

Тест по английскому языку "The Infinitive"                     

 1.  My younger brother hates to read; he prefers ..... to. 

            а)to read

            b)to be reading

            c)to be read

            d)to have read


 2.  The only way to get the best of an argument is ..... it. 

            to be avoiding

            to have avoided

            to have been avoiding

            to avoid


 3.  Look at the children! They are laughing. They seem ..... the film. 

            to enjoy

            to be enjoying

            to have enjoyed

            to have been enjoying


 4.  Don’t disturb her. She went to bed very late. She may still ..... . 


            be sleeping

            have been sleeping

            have slept


 5.  No words can describe the fascination of the place. It must ..... . 


            be seen

            have seen

            have been seen


 6.  A great mistake that you can make in life is ..... you are always right. 

            to have thought

            to think

            to be thinking

            to have been thinking


 7.  I hoped ..... you by phone, but I couldn’t. Why didn't you pick up the receiver? 

            to reach

            to have reached

            to be reaching

            to have been reaching


 8.  My friend Marion is coming from Chile. I am sorry not ..... about it earlier. 

            to tell

            to be told

            to have been told

            to have told


 9.  It would certainly be much better not ..... to him at all. 

            to speak

            to be speaking

            to have spoken

            to have been speaking


 10.  Jack is in his garage. He must ..... his car. 

            be repairing

            have been repairing


            have repaird


 11.  This work is easy; it may ..... by a child, if you ask me. 

            be doing

            be done

            have done

            have been done


 12.  Diplomacy is ..... and say the nastiest things in the nicest way. 

            to do

            to be doing

            to have been doing

            to have done


 13.  Good-bye! I am so pleased ..... you. – The pleasure is mine. 

            to meet

            to be meeting

            to have been meeting

            to have met


 14.  Tom had an accident because he had exceeded speed limit. He shouldn’t ..... so fast. 


            be driving

            have driven

            have been driving


 15.  There was nothing ..... , but to wait for the next train which was due at six. 

            to do

            to be done

            to be doing


            to have been doing

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